Define Touchpoints Nudges

Nudges are set up using the Nudge Configuration work area.

Here are the scenarios in which nudges appear in Touchpoints. The nudges are triggered and sent to the recipient when the criteria defined in the nudge configuration is met.

Note: After configuring nudges, ensure that you run the scheduled process, Process HCM Nudges. This triggers the nudges and delivers them to the configured channels. This table also lists the recommended run frequency of the scheduled process.
Module Scenario Criteria Recipient Nudge Channel Recommended Run Frequency
Career Development An employee doesn’t have active goals in their development plan. The nudge appears when there are no active goals in an employee’s development plan.

Employee, Manager

Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email Quarterly
Check-in A check-in between a manager and employee hasn't been scheduled for a period of time. The nudge appears when a check-in hasn’t been scheduled for a specific number of days. This number is configured by the Administrator. Manager Touchpoints card, email Weekly or monthly
Check-in A check-in between a manager and employee is approaching.

The nudge appears a specific number of days before the scheduled check-in date.

This number is configured by the Administrator.

Manager, Employee Email Weekly or monthly
Feedback A manager hasn’t provided feedback to an employee for a period of time.

The nudge appears when a manager hasn’t provided feedback for a specific number of days.

This number is configured by the Administrator.

Manager Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email Bi-monthly or monthly
Feedback An employee hasn’t given anytime feedback to their others for a period of time.

The nudge appears when an employee hasn’t given anytime feedback to others for a specific number of days since the last time they gave feedback.

This number is configured by the Administrator.
Employee Touchpoints card, email Bi-monthly or monthly
Feedback An employee hasn’t requested feedback for a period of time.

The nudge appears when an employee or manager hasn’t requested feedback for themselves or for their team members for a specific number of days since the last time they requested feedback.

This number is configured by the Administrator.
Employee, Manager Touchpoints card, email Bi-monthly or monthly
Goal Management An employee has performance goals that are later than the target completion date.

The nudge appears when a specific number of days have passed since the target completion date.

This number is configured by the Administrator.

Manager Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email Monthly
Goal Management An employee has performance goals that are due soon but goal completion percentage is less than a defined percentage.

The nudge appears when a specific number of days remain before the target completion date, and the goal completion percentage is less than a specific target percentage.

These values are configured by the Administrator.

Employee Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email Monthly
Goal Management An employee has performance goals with a past goal start date and a status of Not Started.

The nudge appears when the goal remains in the Not Started status after a specific number of days since the goal start date.

This number is configured by the Administrator.

Manager Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email Monthly
Goal Management An employee has high priority aligned performance goals that are due soon.

The nudge appears when a specific number of days remain before the target completion date.

This number is configured by the Administrator.

Manager Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email Monthly
Goal Management An employee completes performance goals ahead of the target completion date.

The nudge appears when an employee completes goals a specific number of days ahead of the target completion date.

This number is configured by the Administrator.

Manager Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email Monthly
Goal Management An employee has performance goals that haven’t been updated for a period of time.

The nudge appears when an employee hasn’t updated their performance goals for a specific number of days since their last update.

This number is configured by the Administrator.
Employee Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email Monthly
Goal Management An employee doesn’t have performance goals in the goal plan.

The nudge appears when performance goals aren’t added to the goal plan for a specific number of days since the start of the current review period.

This number is configured by the Administrator.

Employee, Manager

Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email, journeys Monthly
Human Resources An employee's work anniversary is approaching.

The nudge appears a specific number of days before the employee’s work anniversary occurs.

This number is configured by the Administrator.

Manager Touchpoints card, email Daily
Human Resources An employee's birthday is approaching.

The nudge appears a specific number of days before the employee’s birthday occurs.

This number is configured by the Administrator.

Manager Touchpoints card, email Daily
Talent Profile An employee hasn’t updated their talent profile for a period of time.

The nudge appears when an employee hasn’t updated their talent profile for a specific number of days since their last update.

This number is configured by the Administrator.
Employee Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email, journeys Quarterly
Touchpoints Survey An employee has a low pulse score.

The nudge appears when the pulse score falls below a threshold value.

This value is preconfigured in the survey, and the Administrator can't change it.

Manager Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email Depends on the survey frequency
Touchpoints Survey An employee has a low response rate to the pulse survey.

The nudge appears when an employee doesn't respond to a survey a specific number of times.

This number is configured by the Administrator.

Worker Touchpoints card, email Depends on the survey frequency
Manager Touchpoints card, check-in insights, email

This example shows you how to configure a nudge for this scenario: Employee has high priority aligned performance goals that are due soon.

  1. Go to My Client Groups > Employment > Nudge Configuration.
  2. Click Add.
  3. From the Module list, select the nudge type, Goal.
  4. Select the reason, Employee has high priority aligned goals that are due soon.
  5. Edit the default configuration name, as applicable.
  6. Set the status to Active.
  7. Enter the number of days before the goal’s target completion date by when the nudge must be triggered.
  8. Click Add in the Channels section.
  9. Select the Email, Touchpoints card, or Check-in insight channel type.
  10. Select the Active check box.
  11. Select the recipient of the channel type.
  12. From the Content Source list, you can either select the default content that’s available for the channel or create your own. If you select User-defined Content, enter your custom text for the channel. For example, for the Email channel type, specify a title and a message.
  13. Click OK.