How You Enable Resubmitting Approval Transactions

As administrators, you need to enable resubmitting of approval transactions so that this action is available on the Transaction Console.

You need to create and set the profile options listed in this table to TRUE. Refer to this table to understand how these profile options control the Resubmit action for approval transactions.

Profile Option Effect of Enabling Effect of Disabling
HCM_TAC_RESUBMIT_ACTION The Resubmit action is available. The Resubmit action isn't available.
HCM_TAC_RESUBMIT_FOR_ALL_NON_APPROVED If the HCM_TAC_RESUBMIT_ACTION profile option is also enabled, then the Resubmit action is available for all unapproved transactions that aren't bypassed and that are either in Withdrawn or Rejected state. If the HCM_TAC_RESUBMIT_ACTION profile option is also enabled, then the Resubmit action is available only for terminated and stuck transactions.