Configuration Considerations for the Internal Candidate Experience Skill

Here are some tips and considerations for configuring the Internal Candidate Experience V2 (ICE V2) skill. If you've deployed an earlier version of the Internal Candidate Experience skill or modified it, and want to either use it or change over to ICE V2, you'll find a list of recommendations here.

Although you can download and install the previous version of the ICE skill, all new enhancements, feature developments, and support are available only in the new ICE V2 skill. Hence, we strongly recommend that you install this latest version.

Configuration Considerations for ICE V2

ICE V2 requires Opportunity Marketplace services to be enabled. If it's not enabled, you can use only a previous version of ICE that was available before release 24A. This version is referred to as ICE V1.

To enable Opportunity Marketplace, set the ORA_HCM_OPP_MARKET_PLACE_JOBS profile option to Yes.

To access the features of Internal Candidate Experience, you need to have these privileges:

  • IRC_ACCESS_INTERNAL_CANDIDATE_EXPERIENCE_PRIV (Access Internal Candidate Experience)
  • IRC_ACCESS_OPPORTUNITY_MARKETPLACE_PRIV (Access Opportunity Marketplace)

You also need to complete these tasks to take advantage of the ICE V2 skill:

Here are some things to consider:

  • From release 24A, ICE V2 is delivered as part of FADigitalAssistant and not as a stand-alone skill.
  • If you’re installing FADigitalAssistant for the first time, you’ll not see ICE V1 included as part of FADigitalAssistant. However, it’s delivered as a stand-alone skill.
  • If you’ve already been using the FADigitalAssistant or extended the ICE V1 skill, you’ll see an entry for this skill.
  • You can’t have both ICE V1 and ICE V2 enabled in the same digital assistant at the same time. Whether it's the FADigitalAssistant or a digital assistant that you created, you must enable only one of these skills.
  • Please note that there's no migration path or rebasing from the ICE V1 skill to the ICE V2 skill.
  • The structure and names of the intents have changed in the ICE V2 skill. Therefore, it’s recommended that you use this version.

Scenario-based Recommendations for ICE V1 and V2

These recommended actions will help you use your preferred version of ICE, depending on the digital assistant that you use.

Your Digital Assistant Scenario Actions
FADigital Assistant I haven't modified the ICE V1 skill, and I want to use the ICE V2 skill.
  1. Install the latest version of the FADigitalAssistant from the Skill store.
  2. FADigitalAssistant should be rebased as required.
FADigital Assistant

I've modified the ICE V1 skill. But I want to use the ICE V2 skill.

Note: Even if you’ve modified the ICE V1 skill, it’s recommended to move over to ICE V2.
  1. Install the latest version of the FADigitalAssistant from the Skill store.

  2. Please note that modifications done to any previous version of ICE aren't carried forward to ICE V2. So you need to analyze these modifications thoroughly and redo them in ICE V2.
  3. There's no migration path or rebasing from ICE V1 to ICE V2.
  4. Ensure that you disable ICE V1 in FADigitalAssistant.
FADigital Assistant
I haven't modified the ICE V1 skill and haven’t changed/extended the FADigitalAssistant. But I’d like to use the ICE V1 skill.
Note: This scenario will also be applicable if you haven’t enabled Opportunity Marketplace.
  1. Install the latest version of the FADigitalAssistant from the Skill store.
  2. Download ICE V1 from the Skill store.
  3. Extend FADigitalAssistant and add an entry for ICE V1.
  4. Ensure that you disable ICE V2 in FADigitalAssistant.
FADigital Assistant

I've extended the ICE V1 skill and modified it, and I want to continue using this version.

Note: This scenario will also be applicable if you haven’t enabled Opportunity Marketplace.
  1. Install the latest version of the FADigitalAssistant from the Skill store.
  2. It’s recommended to download ICE V1 again from the Skill store and rebase your existing extended skill.
  3. Extend FADigitalAssistant and point to the newly rebased ICE V1 skill.

  4. Disable ICE V2 in FADigitalAssistant.
Your own Digital Assistant

I’ve modified the ICE V1 skill and want to continue using this version.

  1. Download ICE V1 from the Skill store and rebase your modified skill to it.

  2. Update your own digital assistant to point to the newly rebased skill.
Your own Digital Assistant

I used ICE V1 so far, but now I’d like to move to ICE V2.

  1. Install the latest version of the FADigitalAssistant from the Skill store.
  2. Update your digital assistant to include ICE V2.
  3. Disable ICE V1 in your digital assistant.