Example of a Worker Promotion with Position Change in Redwood

You're a line manager promoting Vijay Singh from a senior software developer to a manager of software development in the Hyderabad department of InFusion Corporation. In his new role he will report to Ed Kelly. This will require making job and department changes to his existing position.

The promotion involves these changes for Vijay:

  • Modifying his existing position
  • Making assignment changes
  • Changing his existing manager
  • Increasing his salary
  • Adding 2 new direct reports

Let's look at the steps to update the key values for this promotion. For other fields, you can use the default values.

Select Vijay and the Promotion Action

  1. On your home page, click the My Client Groups tab, and then select the Promote and Change Position quick action in the Employment area.
  2. Search for Vijay Singh and select his record.
  3. In the Info to include step, select Managers, Salary, and Direct Reports.
  4. Click Continue to proceed.
  5. In the When and why step, enter these values.
    Field Value
    When does the promotion start? Select the date the promotion takes effect.
    What's the way to promote? Promotion
    How do you want to do this action? Modify existing position
    Why do you want to promote? Performance
    Business Unit India Development Centre
    Position Manager - Software Development
  6. Click Continue to proceed.

Change Position Information

  1. In the Position Details step, enter this value.
    Field Value
    Grade M1
    Job Software Development Manager
    Department InFusion-Hyderabad
  2. Click Continue to proceed.
  3. In Position override step, accept the position override values.
  4. Click Continue to proceed.
  5. In the Assignment step, verify the values defaulted from position.
  6. Select Yes from the Working as Manager list.
  7. Click Continue to proceed.

Change Manager

  1. Click Edit beside the line manager row in the Managers step.
  2. Enter these values.
    Field Value
    Select Person Ed Kelly
    Manager Type Line Manager
  3. Click Continue to proceed.

Change Salary

  1. In the Salary step, enter these values.
    Field Value
    Salary Basis Desired salary basis
    Salary Amount Changed salary value
  2. Click Continue to proceed.

Add Direct Reports

  1. In the Direct Reports step, click Add and enter these values.
    Field Value
    Person Emily Thorn
    Reporting Relationship Line Manager
  2. Repeat the above step by searching for Lucy Hall.
  3. Click Submit to complete the transaction.