Terminating or Resigning from Assignments and Work Relationships in Version 3

Let's say you're a human resources (HR) specialist terminating one of the work relationships or assignments of Zak Tyler, who’s an employee. Or maybe Zak wants to resign due to personal reasons.

Let's look at the steps to update the key values for terminating or resigning from a work relationship or assignment. For other fields, you can use the default values.

Terminate a Work Relationship or Assignment

Let’s look at how you terminate a work relationship or assignment in V3, as a human resources (HR) specialist. In this example, you will terminate a work relationship or assignment of an employee, Zak Tyler.

  1. On your Home page, click the Terminate Employment quick action on the My Team tab.

    In v3, managers can only view and terminate the work relationships and assignments they have access to.

  2. Search for and select Zak Tyler.
  3. Click Termination Info.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. In the What are you terminating? section, click Director H.
    Note: By default, the entire work relationship is selected. Once you select what you’re terminating and continue to the next section, you can’t change the selection.

    If the termination type is voluntary, the employee will be able to see the details. Managers will only see the employee’s assignments that they have access to. Managers will see the Work Relationship termination option only if they have termination access to all the assignments belonging to that work relationship.

  6. Click Continue.

    If needed, you can also see more details for the selected assignment.

    Whether you’re terminating an assignment or a work relationship, the termination info and any additional assignment, legislative, or data fields defined by the company are the same.

  7. Once you enter all the information, click Submit.

Resign from a Work Relationship or Assignment

In V3, if you have multiple assignments and multiple work relationships, you can opt to resign from an entire work relationship or only from a single assignment in a work relationship.

Let’s look at how you resign from a work relationship or assignment in V3.

  1. On your Home page, click the Resign from Employment quick action on the Me tab.
  2. Click to expand the Director H section.

    Here, you can see all your work relationships, assignments, and the assignment details. You can select the specific assignment you want to resign from.

  3. Click the Director H link.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Add any comments or attachments, if needed.
  6. In the What are you resigning from? section, click Director H.
    Note: The entire work relationship is selected by default. Once you select what you’re resigning from and continue to the next section, you can’t change the selection.
  7. Verify whether you’ve selected the correct assignment or work relationship.

    You can also view more details for the selected assignment if needed.

  8. Once you enter all the information, click Submit.
Note: If you're implementing Fusion Terminations or Resignations functionality for the first time, implement V3 Terminations to simplify the uptake of Redwood Terminations in the future. Otherwise, you'll need to configure the Approvals twice.