Configure Profile Options

You must configure the profile options to use the consumer goods mobile application.

As a sales administrator, you must set the profile options to enable these features:

  • Download of surveys from Oracle Intelligent Advisor Hub

  • Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard

  • Route download

  • Express Delivery

  • Display of the privacy policy

  • Application composer for tablet devices

  • Display of legal verbiage and privacy policy

  • Alert to sales representatives about checking in or checking out outside the preset radius of the stores

  • Disable photo album access

  • Photo capture for store inventory line

You can use these values as a reference to set the profile options.

Profile Option Code

Profile Display Name

Profile Values and Description

Application and Module



Site: https://<your-environment>/opa-hub

Enables download of surveys from Intelligent Advisor Hub.

Application: Sales

Module: Activity



Site: /shared/Custom/RetailExecutionDashboard

Enables Business Intelligence reports for the sales representatives to view their performance dashboard.

Application: Sales

Module: Activity


Automatic Route Download


Disables automatic route download. You must manually download the routes.

Set the value to TRUE to enable automatic download of routes.

To enable automatic route download for a specific user, create a new profile value for this profile option. You must create the profile value with Profile Level as User and User Name for the user. Set Profile Value to TRUE.

Application: Sales

Module: Sales


Privacy Policy

Site: Set the value based on your requirement to enable the display of company privacy policy.

The value you enter must be within thousand characters.

Application: Sales

Module: Activity


Tablet Composer Access

Site: N

Enables tablet view. You can use this option to enable or disable access to tablet composer.

If this option doesn't exist or is set to Y, only mobile view is shown even if the user accesses the application from a tablet device.

Application: Mobile Sales

Module: Mobile Sales


Store Credit List Price

Initial value is Site: Y

  • Y: Immediate. Enables immediate redemption of store credits using the mobile application when a product is returned. The mobile application aggregates the transactions to create a local copy of the store credits. The ERP application doesn't validate the transactions.

  • N: Back Office. Store credits allocated to an account can't be redeemed immediately using the mobile application when a product is returned. The ERP application validates the transactions along with the payment and order details before the store credits are generated for the account. These credits are a part of the download package and can be used by the account after they're synced to mobile.

Application: Sales

Module: Sales



Site: Y

Enables express delivery.

Application: Sales for Consumer Goods Retail Execution

Module: Sales for Consumer Goods Retail Execution


Read Only Route Inventory Access for Sales Representative

Site: Yes

Enables full access to the route inventory for sales representatives.

Application: Sales

Module: Sales


Sync Before Start Route

Site: Yes

Enables sales representatives to upload the changes on the Pending Sync page.

Application: Sales

Module: Sales





  • Display Legal Verbiage for New Credit Line

  • Display Legal Verbiage for Outstanding Container Balance

  • Display Legal Verbiage for Billing Information

  • Display Privacy Policy

Set the legal verbiage for these profile options based on your need.

  • Enables the display of legal clauses for new credit line usage.

  • Enables the display of legal clauses for outstanding container balance.

  • Enables the display of legal clauses for billing information.

  • Enables the display of privacy policy.

Application: Sales for Consumer Goods Retail Execution

Module: Sales for Consumer Goods Retail Execution



Enable Notifying Sales Representative About Checking In or Out of the Preset Radius to the Store.

  1. Y

    Enables notification to alert sales representatives if they're checking-in or checking-out outside the preset radius of the stores.

  2. Set the value to a distance of your choice in meters, for example, 200. By default, this option is set to 100 meters.

Application: Sales

Module: Sales


Disable photo album access.


Disables photo album access for sales representatives.

Application: Sales

Module: Sales


Enable photo capture.

Site: Y

Enables photo capture for each store inventory line.

Application: Sales

Module: Sales

Tip: The automatic route download is automatically enabled in the following scenarios:To enable automatic download of routes for a specific user, see the profile option listed in the table.

How to Set Up Profile Options

Here's how you can set up the profile options as a sales administrator:

  1. Go to Setup and Maintenance and then to:

    • Functional Area: Application Extensions

    • Task: Manage Profile Options

  2. On the Manage Profile Options page, click the New icon in the Profile Options section.

    The Create page opens.

  3. Specify the details for the profile options and set Current date as the Start Date.

  4. Click Save and Close.

  5. At the Profile Option Levels, set Site to Enabled and Updatable.

  6. Click Save and Close.

  7. On the Setup and Maintenance page, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values

  8. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, search for the Profile Option Code.

  9. Create a new value for the Profile Option in the Profile Values section.

  10. Select Site and set the appropriate Profile Value.

  11. Click Save and Close.