Set Up Oracle Identity Cloud Service Endpoint

Here you'll set up Oracle Identify Cloud Service endpoint, client ID, and client secret.

Set Up Oracle Identify Cloud Service Endpoint

Follow these steps to enable back-end communications with Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

  1. Sign in to your service application as an administrator.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, click Tasks and then click Manage Setup Content.

  3. Click Manage Integration of Additional Applications.

  4. In the Search Results region, click Create from the Actions menu.

  5. On the Create Application Integration page, enter the following:

    • Application name: IDCS_REST_ENDPOINTAPP

    • Full URL: For example: https://<IDCS HOST>/admin/v1. This is the IDCS host that authenticates the user.

    • Partner Name: IDCS

  6. Click Apply, and then verify the protocol, server host, and context root.

  7. Click Save and Close.

Set Up Client ID and Client Secret

Here you'll set up client ID and client secret that comes from your IDCS application.

  1. Sign in to your service application as an administrator.

  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Service

    • Functional Area: Digital Customer Service

    • Task: Manage Client Credentials for Proxy User Data

  3. On the Manage Client Credentials for Proxy User Data page, enter client ID and client secret.

    Get the client ID and client secret that you recorded in the Set Up Redirect URL in Oracle Identity Cloud Service topic.

  4. Test the validity of the information you have entered.

  5. Click Save and Close.