engagementV1 Data Type

Model class for engagement.

name data type type namespace min/max occurs description
assignedTeam string element 0/1 The team to which the engagement was routed.
associateInitiated boolean element 1/1 Indicates whether the engagement was initiated by the associate (true), or by the customer (false).
contents string element 0/1 Contents of the engagement: AUDIO, AUDIOVIDEO, VIDEO.
context string element 0/1 List of Context Attributes.
duration integer element 0/1 Duration of the engagement, in seconds.
endDate dateTime element 0/1 Date the engagement ended (in unix timestamp format).
id string element 0/1 Unique identifier for the engagement.
pendingTime long element 0/1 The time the engagement spent in queue before being answered.
reason string element 0/1 Displays information about why the engagement failed or was unsuccessful.
recordings recordingV1 element 0/unbounded List of recordings in the engagement.
releaseState string element 0/1 Specifies whether the engagement was answered (connected) or not answered (attempted).
startDate dateTime element 0/1 Date and time the engagement started (in unix timestamp format).
status string element 0/1 Specifies whether the engagement was successful or unsuccessful.
users engagementUserV1 element 0/unbounded List of users in the engagement.

