Update a Loyalty Member

This topic provides you with information and an example on updating loyalty member attributes.

How Loyalty Member Attributes Map to Engagement Contact Attributes

You've probably noticed that you cannot directly update certain attributes for a Loyalty Member object. That is because the Member object reuses attributes from the Contact object, which is part of Oracle Engagement Cloud. If you attempt to update these reused attributes directly in the Member object, then the update will fail because the reused attributes are read-only in the Member object. Instead, you would have to update these mapped Member attributes the Contact object. The following table shows the mapping between the attributes in the Member object to the corresponding attributes in the Contact object.

Member Attribute Mapped Contact Attribute
PartyNumber PartyNumber
ContactName PersonName
ContactFirstName PersonFirstName
DateofBirth DateofBirth
WorkPhoneNumber WorkPhoneNumber
MobileNumber MobileNumber
FormattedPhoneNumber FormattedPhoneNumber
EmailAddress EmailAddress
JobTitle JobTitle

For details on working with Oracle Engagement Cloud REST API, see REST API for Oracle Engagement Cloud

Example to Show How to Update a Member's Class Value

The following use case shows you how to change the member class value to Customer for member number MEM0000004544. But since it's an LOV, you have to provide the corresponding member class code for Customer.

Example URL

The following is an example of the resource URL.



Example Request Body

The following is an example of the request body.

	"MemberClassCode": "ORA_MEM_CLASS_CUST"

Example Response

  "LoyMemberId": 300100180883116,
  "MemberClassCode": "ORA_MEM_CLASS_CUST",
  "MemberClassMeaning": "Customer",
  "MemberGrpCode": null,
  "GroupMeaning": null,
  "MemberNumber": "MEM0000004544",
  "MemberPhaseCode": null,
  "MemberPhaseMeaning": null,
  "MemberTypeCode": "ORA_MEM_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL",
  "MemberTypeMeaning": "Individual",
  "MemberName": "Vinay C",
  "PrConId": 300100180883117,
  "StatusCode": "ORA_MEM_STATUS_ACTIVE",
  "Status": "Active",
  "ValLifeScore": null,
  "StartDate": "2019-09-12T08:51:20.536+00:00",
  "PersonName": "Vinay C",
  "ContactDateOfBirth": null,
  "ReferredByName": null,
  "ReferredByNam": null,
  "PointTypeAVal": 0,
  "RelationshipId": null,
  "CorpCurrencyCode": "USD",
  "CurcyConvRateType": "Corporate",
  "CurrencyCode": "USD",
  "RelationshipType": null,
  "RelationshipRecId": null,
  "reltype": null,
  "ReferConId": null,
  "EmailAddress": null,
  "FormattedPhoneNumber": null,
  "TierName": "Default tier",
  "Points": "0",
  "AccrualTypeCode": null,
  "AccrualMeaning": null,
  "AccntId": null,
  "ContactName": "Vinay C",
  "AccrualToMemId": null,
  "AccrualToHouseholdFlag": null,
  "OrgGroupId": null,
  "AccrualStartDate": null,
  "CreationSource": null,
  "ContactId": null,
  "CurrencyDate": null,
  "CorpMemberNumber": null,
  "DateOfBirth": null,
  "LftmPointTypeBVal": null,
  "LftmPointTypeCVal": null,
  "LftmPointTypeDVal": null,
  "LftmPointTypeEVal": null,
  "LftmPointTypeFVal": null,
  "LftmPointTypeGVal": null,
  "LftmPointTypeHVal": null,
  "LastAccrTransactionDt": null,
  "LastRdmTransactionDt": null,
  "LstTierChangeDt": null,
  "LastTransactionProcedDt": null,
  "LftmPointTypeAVal": null,
  "MembershipSchemeId": null,
  "ParentMember": "N",
  "PointTypeBVal": 0,
  "PointTypeCVal": 0,
  "PointTypeDVal": 0,
  "PointTypeEVal": 0,
  "PointTypeFVal": 0,
  "PointTypeGVal": 0,
  "PointTypeHVal": 0,
  "ReferredByNumber": null,
  "SuppressCall": "N",
  "SuppressEmail": "N",
  "SuppressFax": "N",
  "SuppressMail": "N",
  "SuppressSMS": "N",
  "GroupLookupType": null,
  "GroupLookupCode": null,
  "AccrualLookupType": null,
  "AccrualLookupCode": null,
  "PreviousTierName": null,
  "WorkPhoneNumber": null,
  "PhoneNumber": null,
  "PersonLastName": "C",
  "PersonFirstName": "Vinay",
  "PartyName": "Vinay C",
  "MobileNumber": null,
  "LoyHouseholdName": null,
  "LoyAccountName": null,
  "AddressLineOne": null,
  "AddressLineTwo": null,
  "AddressLineThree": null,
  "City": null,
  "Country": null,
  "County": null,
  "PostalCode": null,
  "Province": null,
  "State": null,
  "JobTitle": null,
  "URL": null,
  "OrganizationAddressThree": null,
  "OrganizationCity": null,
  "AccrualToHousehold": null,
  "HouseholdMemberNumber": null,
  "ContactFirstName": "Vinay",
  "ContactLastName": "C",
  "CreationDate": "2019-09-12T08:51:20+00:00",
  "LastUpdateDate": "2019-09-12T09:05:59+00:00",
  "LastUpdateLogin": "923FE2F901632162E05392BDF20A4EA3",
  "AccountTypeCode": null,
  "PartyNumber": "CDRM_861343",
  "ProgramNumber": "PRG0000001001",
  "AccountPartyNumber": null,
  "OrgGroupPartyNumber": null,
  "LoyProgramName": "Vinay",
  "MemberEmailAddress": null,
  "SurvMemNumber": null,
  "EnrollFlag": null,
  "RealTimeBonusFlag": null,
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "https://example.com:port/crmRestApi/resources/",
      "name": "loyMembers",
      "kind": "item",
      "properties": {
        "changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000378"
      "rel": "child",
      "href": "https://example.com:port/crmRestApi/resources/",
      "name": "vouchers",
      "kind": "collection"