What is CX Apps?

The CX Apps Framework enables Partners to build integrations between their systems and Oracle CX Marketing by building apps. These apps help marketers orchestrate their campaigns across platforms in near real time. Developers can develop apps intended for all customers of the Marketplace, or develop custom solutions for just a single Oracle CX Marketing customer.

By building an app, an App Provider makes their services available to Oracle CX Marketing customers. Marketers can use an app to send campaigns to their customers on channels not currently native to Oracle CX Marketing, or extend the capabilities of an Oracle Marketing product.

Why develop apps?

Developing apps extends the capabilities of the Oracle CX Marketing. Developing apps gives your organization the opportunity to solve complex business problems and fill use cases where the CX application has not yet offered that capability natively. Some of the benefits include:

  • Build your own orchestration stages to Program workflows
  • Create seamless user experiences between the CX application and your application
  • Post a listing for your app in the Oracle Marketplace

Before you begin

Review the following topics to familiarize yourself with the App Framework and register your company within the framework before you start developing.

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