Creating Template Services

Create a service to power your app. Services are self-contained components of apps that are used by marketers. Creating a service is essentially registering the service you developed with the App Framework by entering your service's URL endpoints.

Learn more by watching the video

To create a Template service:

  1. From the AMS home page, select the app you want to create a service for.
  2. Click Add a Service.
  3. Enter your service details and then select Template for Service Type.

    • Service Name: Enter the name of your service. The maximum length is 256 characters.
    • Service Description: Enter a description of your service. The maximum length is 2048 characters.
    • Service Type: Select Template.
    • Service URLs: Enter your service's URLs endpoints. All URLs have a maximum length of 1024 characters unless specified otherwise. All endpoint URLs can be absolute URLs, or be relative URLs to the Base URL unless indicated otherwise. For example, if your Base URL is a relative Create URL would be create. When the Create URL is called, the full URL will be

      • Base URL: URL location where your app is hosted. The Base URL is the root of your app's web hosting address that stays consistent. Must be a fully qualified URL including the https://. For example:

      • Create URL: URL endpoint for your service called when services are created.

      • Configure URL: URL endpoint for your service called when users configure the service. This endpoint should return HTML as an HTTP GET request.

      • Summary URL: URL endpoint for your service that is called after the configuration window is closed, and the user is taken back to the Email Message Designer. Responsys will call the Summary URL endpoint to display the configured app details in the Email Message Designer.

      • Template URL: URL endpoint called to get the Responsys Personalization Language template in the campaign.

      • Canvas View URL: URL endpoint called to retrieve a preview template for the email campaign.

      • Delete URL: URL endpoint called when services are deleted.

      • Save Configuration URL: URL endpoint to call when your service's configuration is saved.

      • Status URL: URL endpoint to call to check the service's status.
      • Refer to for details on developing each endpoint.

  4. Click Continue.
  5. Select the assets your service will support. Select Campaign.

  6. Click Continue.
  7. Enter the URL locations for your service's logos. Three sizes are required.

    Important: Your logos must be linked images. Base64 encoded data is not supported.

    • Canvas Icons (Medium): Displayed in the Oracle Marketing product in the widget panel and the Email Message Designer. This image is 32x32 pixels when displayed. The recommended size is 32x32 pixels. Must be absolute URL.
    • Canvas Icons (Small): Displayed in the Oracle Marketing product in the app catalog. This image is 16x16 pixels when displayed. The recommended size is 16x16 pixels. Must be absolute URL.

    Click Preview to ensure the images are displayed properly.

  8. Click Finish.

Your service details will be displayed. You'll be sent an email confirmation for your new service.

Learn more

Developing CX Apps Template Services


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