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Attributes are individual pieces of data in a data object. They can have data related to a customer's profile, behavior, or transaction history. For example, an attribute can be a customer's first name, the number of times they opened an email, or their last purchase date.

Data objects in the data model are made up of numerous different attributes. The data in these attributes helps create a comprehensive profile of the data object. Attributes can also be used to create segments of customers. Learn more about Segmentation.

Oracle Audience Segmentation comes with a default set of objects and attributes for your data model that are required and cannot be edited. However, you can add and manage objects and attributes to your data model to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Attribute groups

Some data objects in your data model may have a large number of attributes. If this is the case, then attribute groups can help you organize your data. When managing your data model, attribute groups allow you to group related attributes together. Attribute groups have attributes from a single data object. You cannot group attributes from multiple data objects. Learn more about Attribute groups.

Next steps

Creating attributes

Managing attributes

Editing attribute groups

Learn more

Managing the Oracle Audience Segmentation data model

Data objects

Learn about the default data model


attributes, aggregated attributes, intelligent attributes