Creating segments

A segment is a group of customers based on behavior and profile characteristics. It is created by selecting attribute data and then setting conditions on the data.


  • You will need to select the base object that will be used to create the segment: 

    • The Instance admin user role can manage the list of available base objects by clicking Hide An image of the view hidden items icon for base objects that shouldn't be available for selection.
    • To view hidden base objects, hover your mouse over the drop-down menu and click View hidden base objects An image of the view hidden items icon. You can then click the option to make them available to select again.
    • An image of the view hidden base objects icon

    • If a data object is hidden from the data model, it will not be available to select as a base object. Learn more about Managing the visibility of data.
    • The list of available segments under Segments will only be segments created with the same base object selected.
    • You will be able to select Personalization attributes from attributes belonging to the base object selected. Learn more about Attributes available for personalization.
    • You can view the base object for a segment on the Segments page under the Base Object column.
  • You can't create segments with attributes that have the array - string data type. Learn more about Data types.

  • You cannot access or search for objects and attributes hidden from the data model. However, when adding data objects to a segment, hidden data objects can be part of the path linking them to the base object used for creating the segment. Learn more about Hidden data model items in segmentation.

  • You have the option of hiding items from the segmentation canvas. This does not affect the visibility of items in the data model. Learn more about Hiding items on the segmentation canvas and Viewing hidden items on the segmentation canvas.

  • When creating conditions with timestamp data, the time selected will be based on your local time zone. For example, if you are in California and select "01/01/2021 12:00:00 PM", Oracle Audience Segmentation will interpret this input based on your local timezone. The query will be based on the Pacific time zone and you will see “01/01/2021 12:00:00 PM PDT” when viewing the condition on the segmentation canvas. Another user in New York viewing the same condition will see "01/01/2021 3:00:00 PM EDT".

  • While the segmentation canvas loads, there may be a delay in displaying the Save and Save as template buttons.

  • When configuring conditions on the segmentation canvas, you have the option to normalize variants of Japanese characters.

Create a new segment

Start creating the segment by choosing a name, entering a description, and configuring the details of the segment.

To create a new segment:

  1. Click the Oracle icon Image of the application navigation button. Use it to access the different parts of Oracle Unity. in the bottom-right corner to open the navigation menu.
  2. Select Segments.
  3. In the top-right corner, click Create. The Create new segment dialog will display. Enter the details for the segment.
  4. An image of the Create new segment dialog

  5. Enter a unique name. The name must be 1 or more characters, up to a maximum of 128. Other than underscores (_) and hyphens (-), special characters are not allowed. The first character cannot be a space. You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings.
  6. Enter a description. This field is optional, but it is highly recommended to add descriptions for any entity created. This helps all other users get additional context when using and navigating Oracle Audience Segmentation. The description can have a maximum of 512 characters with no restrictions on characters used. You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings.
  7. Select the base object that will be used to create the segment.
  8. Enter applicable tags to organize the segment with keywords.
    • Tag names must be 30 or fewer characters. Other than underscores (_), special characters are not allowed. The first character must be a letter. You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings.
    • You can add up to five tags to a segment.
    • You can search for tags on the Segments page under the Tags filter.
  9. Click the checkbox to add the segment to your list of favorites.
  10. Click Continue.

The Create segment page is displayed.

Build the segment

Start building the segment by selecting attributes you want to include.

To build the segment:

  1. Select data from the Smart data and My data sections. My data has data objects and attributes from your data model. Smart data has segments tagged as Favorites, and other created segments and segment templates (Segments). Use the search fields as needed by entering the attribute or data object name.
  2. An image of the Smart data and My data sections

    • Favorites: The list of attributes (My Attributes) and segments (My Segments) you have tagged as a favorite.
      • To tag an attribute as a favorite, click the Action menu (An image of the action menu button. Use it to edit custom data objects.) for the item and click Add To Favorites.
      • To tag a segment as a favorite, click Favorite An image of the favorite segment iconnext to the segment name.
      • You will only see items that you have tagged as a Favorite in your user account. You won't see favorites other users have selected.
      • The list of available favorite segments is based on the base object selected to create the segment. If you previously tagged a segment as a favorite but it doesn't belong to the base object for the segment you are currently creating, that item will not be available in the list of favorites.
    • Segments: Segments categorized into the following categories.
      • My Segments: Recent segments that you have created or edited.
      • Other Segments: Segments created and edited by other users.
      • Templates: The list of segment templates tagged with Template An image of the segment template icon.

      The 20 most recent created and modified segments are listed. If you don't see a segment listed, use the search field to enter a search term and press Enter. Oracle Audience Segmentation will then perform a search of all existing segments. You can search by segment name or tags added to segments.

    • Personalization attributes: To add or remove a personalization attribute from the base object to the segment, hover your mouse over the attribute and click PersonalizationAn image of the personalization attribute icon.. Learn more about Managing Personalization attributes.
  3. Move the item you want to add to the segment canvas by clicking Add An image of the add button. Use it to add items to the segment canvas.. Include all the required items to create one group. When you add an attribute to the segment, Oracle Audience Segmentation will select the shortest path by default to link the attribute's data object and the base object selected for creating the segment.
  4. An image of adding items to the segment canvas

  5. Use the operator drop-down list to select how the individual conditions within the group will be combined. You have the option of linking conditions in a group. Learn more about Condition groups.
  6. An image of the Any/Or operator for the segment enclosure

    • Select Any to add customers to the segment that meet any of the conditions within the group.
    • Select All to add customers to the segment that meet all of the conditions within the group.
    Example: You add the following conditions to the group.
    • Customers that live in California.

    • Customers that have made at least one purchase in the last month.

    If you select Any, the segment will target customers that either live in California or have made a purchase in the last month. These customers can meet one or both of the conditions. If you select All, the segment will target customers that live in California and have made a purchase in the last month. These customers must meet both of the conditions.

  7. Fill in the conditional fields and operators to define the criteria within the segment.
  8. An image of the conditional fields and operators for an attribute

  9. After creating conditions for a group, you have the option of adding a description for the individual group of conditions. To add a description, click Group description An image of the Group description icon. The description can have a maximum of 256 characters. You can use characters from all languages supported in the language settings. To view the current description, hover your mouse over Group description An image of the Group description icon.
  10. An image of the Group description window

    An image of the current group description

  11. When done configuring the segment, save it as a completed segment or a segment template.

Next steps

Segmentation functions

Managing Personalization attributes

Saving segments and templates

Learn more

Segmentation operators

Managing segments

Creating campaigns

Creating export jobs

Campaign personalization

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