
Alerts allow you to receive an automated email when your inventory of rewards gets low or if the code reward file has not processed properly. You can establish thresholds and designate up to ten email addresses to receive alerts.

Low reward quantity alerts

You can set up quantity threshold alerts:

  • At the Program level to specify a blanket threshold for all rewards quantity.

  • On a per-reward basis and on a per-variation basis (for rewards that have variations).

You can configure the following at the program level:

  • Enable/Disable threshold

  • Set threshold value

  • Specify up to ten email recipients to receive the threshold alert

The emailed alert is sent every time a reward quantity falls below the threshold.

You can also turn alerts on or off for specific rewards - overriding your Program-level alert setting.

The email recipients you enter for this feature (up to ten) will receive an emailed alert every time your reward quantity goes below the threshold you set. This can be configured at a program level or at an individual-reward level.

A sample email is shown below.

Trigger for reward alerts

Reward alerts are available for:

  • Standard rewards

  • Codes/Coupon rewards

  • Auto rewards (standard and codes/coupon)

Reward alerts will be sent out in these circumstances:

  • When your reward alert is configured at a global or a reward level, and the reward quantity falls below the threshold specified.

  • Alerts are triggered only once when the reward quantity is below the threshold unless:

    • The threshold value is updated and reward quantity falls below the updated threshold value

    • The threshold changes state from one state to another (between global to custom or disabled) and reward quantity falls below the threshold

    • The quantity on the reward is updated and it falls below the threshold or is below the threshold

  • All alerts will be triggered as a result of redemptions. If a reward quantity is already below a set threshold, a redemption will be necessary to trigger an emailed alert.

Important: The Alerts permission will control who has access to set/unset values for Inventory threshold.

Code file processing errors

The email recipients you enter for code file processing errors (up to ten) will receive an emailed alert when coupon file uploads encounter errors. The email contains details of a code reward that has an error in it. The reward's title and ID will be present in the email. Users must log in to the Control Center to correct the error.

A sample email is shown below.

Sample alert email

alerts, email, notifications, reward, inventory

Learn more

Creating Alerts


Adding rewards