Enabling point sharing groups

Enable point sharing groups to let members combine point balances to earn bigger rewards.

Important: This feature is only available to admin users.

To enable point sharing groups:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Point Sharing Groups.
  2. Select Enabled.

    Point redemption is determined by your point expiration configuration. If your points expiration method is first in / first out, points will be redeemed in the order they were earned. Otherwise points will be redeemed as evenly as possible.

    Example: A point sharing group has 3 members. One member redeemed an item for 1000 points. Since the points cannot be split evenly, the larger share is subtracted from the member with the largest point total (Annie).

    Member Original Point Total New Point Total
    Annie 800 800 - 334 = 466
    Bryan 400 400 - 333 = 67
    Sharon 400 400 - 333 = 67
  3. Click Save.

Learn more

Point sharing groups

Creating Point Sharing Group widgets

Member care