Editing and deleting users

Use this page to delete users, edit user information, reset a user's password, and unlock a user's account.

To edit a user:

  1. Select the user's name from the list.
  2. Click Edit to open the Edit User page.

To delete a user:

  1. Select the user's name from the list and click Delete.

    Warning: Deleting a user permanently removes the user's profile information from the account. As account administrator, it is a good practice to create an account administrator user profile that is separate from your individual user profile. You cannot delete your account administrator user profile.

  2. Click Yes on the confirmation message.

To reset a user's password:

  1. Select the user's name from the list.
  2. Click Reset Password.

We will send an email to the user's email address with instructions for resetting the password.

Unlocking a user's account

Oracle CX Audience locks an account after 5 unsuccessful login attempts.

If the account is locked, the login page will display a notification. In addition, the user and the Account Administrator will receive an email notification.

The user will be able to log in again after the specified lockout time (60 minutes by default), or you can manually unlock the account.

Tip: You can change the lockout time.

To manually unlock a user's account:

  1. Select the user's name from the list.
  2. Click Unlock Account.

After you unlock the account, we will send a notification email to the user and they will be able to log in with their existing password.