Attributes for Crowdtwist Data filters

Important: Crowdtwist data types are available only if the Crowdtwist integration is configured for your CX Audience account. For questions about your CX Audience account's integration configurations, see your Account Administrator.

Crowdtwist Data attributes include all fields defined for Crowdtwist data associated with your Customer Data List.

Crowdtwist filter attributes

Crowdtwist data attributes track the following loyalty data of customers:

  • User activity
  • User redemption

Tips for creating filter conditions

When specifying filter conditions, keep in mind the following:

  • Drag and drop the behavior table from the Custom tables column to the Custom Table Attributes region. You can include the table multiple times when building your conditions.
  • Click the Refine icon to add the criteria from the segment table. For example, you would see criteria such as CAMPAIGN_NAME and MARKETING_PROGRAM. You can include up to ten criteria for the "Where" part of each table.
  • Form your conditions by selecting the operator and the value. The AND and OR operators will be the same between tables and within a table's "Where" statement. If you have a table for each segment, and then change AND to OR between the first two, all of the ANDs will change to ORs. The same occurs within a table.
  • For your criteria conditions, click the value field to view the available choices. For example, if you choose CAMPAIGN_NAME as one of your criteria, and then click the field where you specify the value, the list of campaign names from your Responsys account is displayed. If you know the value you want to select, start typing it in the field, and the list will automatically filter itself to match what you type. If you choose "matches one of" for your operator, you will be able to select one or more choices in the list.
  • The "does not contain" condition applies only to records that contain a value, not for records with a null value. This means that your result set will include records that contain any value except the specified one, but not records with no values. For example, the rule “State does not contain California" will include records in New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas, but not records in California nor ones that contain no value. To include empty records as well, add OR "State" - "is null” to the rule.
  • "By Date" condition date fields are all initially set to the current date. The “Between” condition includes the first and last dates of the defined date range. By default, both fields are set to the current date.

    Note: SQL queries using the BETWEEN condition do not include the final day in a date range. To ensure consistency, add a + 1 to the SQL end date.

Learn more

Using filters in CX Audience

Creating filters

Managing filters
