The Retail predefined schema

When you enable the retail schema, CX Audience will create the following tables and pre-calculated attributes for your account.

Orders table

The orders table has the following columns:

  • Customer ID
  • Email address
  • Mobile number
  • Total amount
  • Order date
  • Order ID
  • Purchase channel

Order line table

The order line table has the following columns:

  • Item quantity
  • Product ID
  • Order line price
  • Order line ID
  • Order line discount amount
  • Order ID

Product lookup table

The product lookup table has the following columns:

  • Product name
  • Product ID
  • Product category 1
  • Product category 2
  • Product price

Pre-calculated attributes

Review the table below to see how each pre-calculated attribute is calculated, the columns it requires to calculate the attribute, and how the attribute is displayed in the Retail dashboard.

Attribute name

How it's calculated

Columns required

Retail dashboard visualization
Last purchase date The date of the most recent order. CREATED_AT None
Last purchase amount The amount from the Total column of the Orders table for the most recent order. TOTAL , CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Max purchase amount The highest purchase amount in the Total column of the Orders table. TOTAL Binned Histogram
Last purchase channel The purchase channel from the most recent purchase. PURCHASE_CHANNEL Pie Chart
Lifetime order count The total number of orders. ORDER_ID , CUSTOMER_ID Binned Histogram
Order count 12 mo The number of orders over the past 12 months. ORDER_ID , CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Order count 9 mo The number of orders over the past 9 months. ORDER_ID , CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Order count 6 mo The number of orders over the past 6 months. ORDER_ID , CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Order count 3 mo The number of orders over the past 3 months. ORDER_ID , CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Order count 1 mo The number of orders over the past month. ORDER_ID , CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Spent lifetime The sum of the Total column from the Orders table. TOTAL Binned Histogram
Spent 12 mo The sum of the Total column from the Orders table over the past 12 months. TOTAL, CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Spent 9 mo The sum of the Total column from the Orders table over the past 9 months. TOTAL, CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Spent 6 mo The sum of the Total column from the Orders table over the past 6 months. TOTAL, CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Spent 3 mo The sum of the Total column from the Orders table over the past 3 months. TOTAL, CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Spent 1 mo The sum of the Total column from the Orders table over the past month. TOTAL, CREATED_AT Binned Histogram
Frequent shopper Customers are considered frequent shoppers if they've been a customer for at least three months and their average number of purchases each month is greater than 1. ORDER_ID , CREATED_AT Pie Chart
Highly frequent shopper Customers are considered frequent shoppers if they've been a customer for at least three months and their average number of purchases each month is greater than 2. ORDER_ID , CREATED_AT Pie Chart
Avg order spend The average amount the customer spends for each purchase. TOTAL , ORDER_ID Binned Histogram
Highest spent category 1 The order item in product category 1 that the customers spends the highest amount on.   Pie Chart
Highest spent category 2 The order item in product category 2 that the customers spends the highest amount on.   Pie Chart

Learn more

Using predefined schemas