Update or check your app's status using the cloud API

From time to time, you may wish to update your App's status. While it is possible to start or stop your app from the App Details page in the AppCloud Developer Framework area of your Eloqua development instance, you can also do so programmatically using a cloud API endpoint. The endpoint also enables you to check the status of your app. You will need to know your app's ID in order to call out to the cloud API endpoints. The app ID is listed on the App Details page in your Eloqua development instance, and is a GUID.

The cloud API URL is https://<eloqua base url>.com/api/cloud/1.0/<endpoint>. All calls to the API must be authenticated using OAuth. Learn more about configuring and authenticating with OAuth.

Checking the app's status

Retrieve your app's status using the GET /apps/{id}/configurations endpoint:

GET /apps/a0f6779e-8263-4bfb-a292-9714cd10d1e7/configurations

The response should resemble:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"uri": "/apps/a0f6779e-8263-4bfb-a292-9714cd10d1e7/configurations",
"clientSecret": "a1ba63f9aae1cc84d91544f15b0af27ab6ced4e42c6145b9cc0425742ecf2a0da1ba63f9aae1cc84d91544f15b0af27ab6ce",
"name": "Call Example",
"description": "This is a test",
"shortDescription": "This is a test",
"iconUrl": "https://www.example.com/logo.png",
"enableUrl": "http://example.com/enable/{appId}/{installId}/{userName}/{siteName}/{siteId}",
"statusUrl": "http://example.com/status/{installId}",
"callbackUrl": "http://example.com/callback/{installId}",
"makeAvailableUrl": "https://example.com",
"publishedSites": [
"status": "Up"

The status field indicates the app's current status, either "Up", "Down", or "Maintenance".

To update the app's status

Update the status by sending a request to the PUT /apps/{id}/configurations endpoint.

Important: You must include all of the fields in the configuration document in the PUT request. You cannot merely specify a value for the status field.

The status can be "Up", "Down", or "Maintenance":

PUT /apps/a0f6779e-8263-4bfb-a292-9714cd10d1e7/configurations
"uri": "/apps/a0f6779e-8263-4bfb-a292-9714cd10d1e7/configurations",
"clientSecret": "a1ba63f9aae1cc84d91544f15b0af27ab6ced4e42c6145b9cc0425742ecf2a0da1ba63f9aae1cc84d91544f15b0af27ab6ce",
"name": "Call Example",
"description": "This is a test",
"shortDescription": "This is a test",
"iconUrl": "https://www.example.com/logo.png",
"enableUrl": "http://example.com/enable/{appId}/{installId}/{userName}/{siteName}/{siteId}",
"statusUrl": "http://example.com/status/{installId}",
"callbackUrl": "http://example.com/callback/{installId}",
"makeAvailableUrl": "https://example.com",
"publishedSites": [
"status": "Maintenance"

If successful, Eloqua will respond with an HTTP/1.1 204 No Content.

If you GET the /apps/{id}/configurations endpoint again, the response should reflect the updated status.

Learn more

App Developer Framework