Adding the External Activity action to your campaign

In order to use the External Activity action, installation may need to be completed by a Customer Administrator. However, you can drag the action onto the canvas even if the installation has not yet been completed.

To add the External Activity action to your campaign:

  1. Open an existing campaign or create a new one.

  2. Click on the Actions section to expand it, and view all available decision elements, including installed apps.
  3. Drag the External Activity element onto the campaign canvas, then double-click on it to open the configure screen. The window that opens enables you to do the following:
  4. Click the Edit icon to configure the action.

    An image of the Action Configuration window, which can be found in the campaign canvas.

    1. Select an Asset Type.

    2. Select an Activity.

      Important: You must select an asset type with associated activities. The activity drop-down will populate once the asset type is selected. If no activities exist, see creating external assets and activities to learn how to create activities.

    3. Enter an Asset Name. Asset name is optional. If no asset name is present, the app will default to using the activity name. Typically, the asset and activity type are re-used and the asset name is specific to this one instance.

      Example: Select an asset type of Twitter and an activity type of Clicked Twitter Link. Include information about the twitter link (Ticket Offer – 10/15) in the asset name.

      Example: For a webinar, select an asset type of WebEx and an activity type of Attended. For the asset name, include the name of the webinar.

    4. Click Save.
    5. Close the browser tab to return to your campaign.

The External Activity action should now be properly configured. When contacts flow into the step, Eloqua gathers the activity information and pushes it to segments and Profiler.

Learn more

External Activity app

Oracle Eloqua AppCloud apps