Installing, configuring and using the Infinity Action Center app

Important: Your organization must have Oracle Infinity Actions to use this app.

Installing and configuring the Infinity Action Center app in Eloqua

  1. Install the Infinity Action Center app in Eloqua.

    Important: Log a service request with Infinity to access the OAuth Client ID and OAuth Client Secret required to continue installation.

  2. Once installation of the app is complete, return to Settings and click Security under Users and Security.
  3. Click Infinity Configuration.
  4. Add the Infinity Credentials given through your service request. This allows the feeder to discover actions configured in Infinity. The Infinity Account ID, Client ID, Client Secret, and base URL are required. The Infinity base URL will be
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Test Connection. A pop-up will appear to let you know if the connection worked.

Configuring the Infinity Action in Infinity

  1. Login to your instance and navigate to Connections from the menu.
  2. From the Connections landing page, click + to create a new connection.
  3. Click the Eloqua Connection Type card and provide below details:
    1. Name: Enter a descriptive name of your choice.
    2. Description: Enter a description for how this Connection may be used.
    3. Token: Use the value of the Eloqua token noted in the Infinity Action Center App configuration window. You can find this in Oracle Eloqua by navigating to Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog. > Apps > Infinity Action Center App > Settings .
    4. Select the Eloqua pod.
  4. Create a new destination for the connection with the following settings:
    1. Name: Enter a descriptive name of your choice.
    2. Select the Eloqua object to write to. Currently, only Eloqua contacts are supported.
  5. Navigate to Infinity Actions. Create a new action with the following details:
    1. Name: Enter a descriptive name of your choice.
    2. Description: Enter a description of your choice.
    3. Rules: Define the behaviors and filters that make up the rules you want to listen for in real-time.
    4. Destination
      1. Connection: Select the connection created in step 3 above.
      2. Destination type: Select the destination type created in step 4 above.
      3. Destination: Select the destination created in step 4 above.
    5. Map the fields to Eloqua fields. Clicking the "To" column for any field will open a list of Eloqua fields that can be mapped. Note that all contact fields are supported, in addition to the fields in the table below.

      • One of the Eloqua fields listed in the table below is required, otherwise no records will be imported to Eloqua.
      • Only one of the following fields will be used to match Eloqua records, even if you include more than one.
      • If you include more than one of the following fields, records are matched using only the highest priority field. It is not evaluated per record. For example, if the ID field (priority 1) and the SHA256 Hashed Email (priority 2) fields are included in the field mapping in Infinity, only the ID field is ever used for matching for that action. So if for a given record, the ID field is empty and SHA256 Hashed Email is populated, the feeder will not switch to using SHA256 Hashed Email for matching for that record.
      • If you plan to use a hasting identifier (SHA256 Hashed Email, SHA256 Hashed Mobile Phone, or SHA256 Hashed Business Phone), note that hashing identifiers are a Controlled Availability feature in Eloqua. To request access to this feature, please log in to My Oracle Support and create a service request. Learn more about hashing identifiers in Eloqua.

      Field Name in Eloqua
      (in priority order)
      Map to Name (enter in Infinity)Description
      IDIdThe internal, integer value of the Eloqua contact ID. The ID is present on activities that Eloqua sends to Infinity.
      SHA256 Hashed EmailC_SHA256HashedEmailAddressEloqua contact's email address signed with SHA256
      EmailC_EmailAddressEloqua contact's email address.
      SHA256 Hashed Business PhoneC_SHA256HashedBusPhoneEloqua contact's business phone signed with SHA256
      SHA256 Hashed Mobile PhoneC_SHA256HashedMobilePhoneEloqua contact's mobile phone signed with SHA256
      Visitor IDvisitorGuidEloqua visitor tracking cookie ID. When provided and Eloqua ID is not provided, the Action Center feeder will look up the visitor in Eloqua to find the associated contact (provided a contact is associated to the visitor).

  6. Save the action.

Using the Infinity Action Center Feeder

  1. In Eloqua, create a campaign or program canvas.
  2. Place the Infinity Action Center Feeder step on the canvas and open the configuration screen of the feeder instance step. Select the action that you created (described in the "Installing and configuring the Infinity Action Center app in Eloqua" section above), and then save before exiting the configuration screen.
  3. Complete the setup of the canvas, then enable the canvas in Eloqua.
  4. Switch to Infinity and enable the action. Test to verify the action is sending contacts to the feeder step as expected.

Note: To create additional actions from Infinity to Eloqua, you must repeat most of the steps in this topic. Start at step 4 of the Configuring the Infinity Action in Infinity section and complete steps 4 through 6. Use the action in the Infinity Action Center feeder in Eloqua according to the steps in the section above.

Learn more

Eloqua parameters sent to Oracle Infinity

Oracle Infinity parameter reference (Oracle Infinity Help Center)

Infinity Action Center app

Oracle Eloqua AppCloud apps

installing Infinity Action Center app, Infinity Action Center Feeder, Infinity Action Center app, Infinity, Infinity integration