Viewing report data for actions and imports
Individual reporting for Salesforce Integration app actions and imports displays activity for a specific import or action for the current day (previous dates are selectable). A table of every import or action execution, including details of created, updated, and failed records and time of execution. Data is retained for a period of three months. You can view daily report data for actions or imports via the Actions or Imports tabs, or via the global report dashboard.
To view report data for actions or imports:
- In the Salesforce Integration app, click Actions or Imports. To view reports for campaign actions, click the Campaign Actions tab.
- Locate the action or import for which you want to view report data, click the list, and select View Reports.
Action report data
Action reports are available for step actions and campaign actions. These reports provide information about the records that are flowing from Oracle Eloqua into Salesforce.
For step actions, view how many records were created or updated, how many were processed per hour, how long it took to complete, and whether or not it was successful. To exclude test payloads used for test Action runs, click Hide Runs With Test Contacts.
For campaign actions, view whether the campaigns exported from Oracle Eloqua to CRM were successful and a daily history of your campaign exports.
For Campaign Actions, click a table row to view more details related to that campaign, such as the data sent over by the action, the action's sent date, and any error messages.
Import report data
Import reports provide insight into how your imports are performing by displaying a chart of how many records are being created, updated, or have failed to import. You can also view how many objects were imported into Oracle Eloqua campaigns from CRM, which ones were successful, and how many failed.
Each report displays an import's schedule start time, how long it took to complete, whether or not it was successful, and how many records were created, updated, or failed. When an import is running, click the import to view the progress.
The status of the import is displayed including:
- Import data
- When the import started
- How long the import took to complete
- The number of records with their status
There are four stages to a successful import:
- Oracle Eloqua queries Salesforce.
- Records are retrieved from Salesforce.
- Records are deduplicated.
- Records are uploaded to Oracle Eloqua.
The message Retrieving from Salesforce indicates your import is successfully running.
You can manually stop an import if it is running and has not yet reached the Uploading to Eloqua step. Once the Uploading to Eloqua step is started, the import cannot be stopped and will continue to completion. Stopped imports cannot be resumed. You must run the import again. Learn more about creating and scheduling imports.
Report data for failed actions or imports
To see reports related to failures, you can use the View Reports option or access reports via the global report dashboard.
To view report data for failed actions or imports via the global report dashboard:
- In the Salesforce Integration app, navigate to the Status and Reporting tab.
- Click on the Failed (red) section of a bar to see that day's Imports with failures and Actions with failures.
Tip: In the daily report that opens, you can toggle between the View errors by asset and the View errors by type options. Grouping errors by type can help you more easily identify the kinds of issues your app is having so that you can more easily summarize and communicate them to your team.
- Click on an import with one of the imports or actions to open its report data for that day.