Adding a WebEx Join URL to your emails

You can use the WebEx content service to include a generic Join URL in your meeting or event reminder emails. When contacts click the Join URL, they may need to provide their email address as well as other information, such as first and last name. If your event or meeting requires a password, include it in the email.

To add a WebEx Join URL to your email:

  1. Open or create an email to which you want to add the Join URL.

  2. Click Cloud Content to open the Cloud Content menu, which lists all available content services.

  3. Locate WebEx Content, either by scrolling through the list or searching with the search box and drag it on to the canvas.

  4. Double-click the element to open the configuration screen.

    1. Select a WebEx account.

    2. Enter the WebEx meeting or event ID.
    3. (Optional) Enter text to be displayed in place of the Join URL. For example, "Click here to join the event."
  5. Click Save to save the configuration and continue creating your email.

A Join URL is now available in your email.

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