Step 2: Adding columns and sections to your dashboard

When we drag our reports to the shared dashboard, Eloqua Insight creates a column and a section for you. You can also drag columns and sections to your dashboard to manage the layout of the dashboard.

  • Columns are used to align content on a dashboard. (Sections within columns hold the actual content.) You can create as many columns on a dashboard page as you need.
  • Sections are used within columns to hold the content, such as action links, analyses, and so on. You can drag and drop as many sections as you need to a column.

Prerequisites for this step

In order to complete the following step, you must have:

Adding columns and sections

To add columns and sections:

  1. Return to the dashboard you created earlier and click Edit in the center of the page.
  2. Drag a column to the dashboard from the Dashboard Objects pane.

    This column is labeled Column 1.

  3. From the Catalog panel, drag the Emails Sent Within a Date Range - Graph analysis to the column. Drag the Emails Sent Within a Date Range tabular analysis to the same column, beneath the Emails Sent Within a Date Range - Graph analysis.

    An image of a dashboard with two sections

  4. Save and run your dashboard.

Next step

Step 3: Adding dashboard prompts