Email Bounceback Overview report


The Email Bounceback Overview report shows a summary of bounces for a given time frame.

  • Folder location: Catalog/Shared Folders/Email
  • Subject area: Email Bounceback
  • Questions this report helps you answer: How many bounces occurred in the time frame selected? How many bounced for a given email?
  • Related reports:
    • Email Bounceback History with Messages

Tip: The Campaign Analysis Overview and the Email Analysis Overview reports allow you to view the overall bounce rates across multiple campaigns or emails.

Good to know

  • If you are seeing a high number of bounces, run the Email Bounceback History with Messages report report to view the reason for the bouncebacks.
  • A hard bounce is an email that permanently could not be delivered. Some common reasons for hard bounces include an invalid email address or domain name. A soft bounce is an email that temporarily could not be delivered. This could mean that the email address is valid, but the recipient's inbox was full, the mail server was unavailable, or the email message was too large. These bounces may still be delivered at another time. For more information, see About bounces.
  • It is normal for bounces to occur, but the Oracle Deliverability Operations team recommends the following thresholds:
    • Hard bounce rate: 2%
    • Overall bounce rate (soft and hard): 5%


Sample report

An image showing a sample Email Bounceback Overview report

Report prompts

Prompt Description
Bounceback Date Show emails that bounced during this date range.
Select the Emails to Display Optionally, include only these selected emails.

Report metrics

Metrics Description Drill to
Total Bouncebacks The total emails that returned a bounceback (hard or soft). Total Bounceback by Contact
Total Hard Bouncebacks The total emails that returned a hard bounceback. A hard bounce is an email that permanently could not be delivered.

A hard bounce is an email that permanently could not be delivered. Some common reasons for hard bounces include an invalid email address or domain name.
Total Hard Bouncebacks by Contact
Total Soft Bouncebacks

The total messages that returned a soft bounceback. A soft bounce is a message that temporarily could not be delivered.

A soft bounce is an email that temporarily could not be delivered. This could mean that the email address is valid, but the recipient's inbox was full, the mail server was unavailable, or the email message was too large. These bounces may still be delivered at another time.
Total Soft Bouncebacks by Contact

Learn more

About bounces

Email Bounceback History with Messages report