Configuring data priority for Salesforce integration

Important: The Salesforce native integration was deprecated February 1, 2021. We recommend using the the Salesforce Integration app in its place. Learn more in our product notice.

Data priority specifies the order in which Oracle Eloqua evaluates sources of contact and account data and determines whether to update the data in the Oracle Eloqua database.

With a Salesforce integration, we recommend prioritizing CRM data imports over other data sources such as list uploads. This assumes that your CRM data is current and accurate and that your Salesforce contacts are given higher priority than your CRM leads. The recommended data priority order is:

  1. Bulk API
  2. Get CRM Accounts
  3. Get CRM Contacts
  4. Get CRM Leads

These data priorities will be shared by multiple data sources. For example, the data sources Get CRM Contacts and Delete CRM Contacts will use the same data priority setting of Get CRM Contacts. This ensures that Oracle Eloqua omits the specified ID values and also allows for the ID values to be repopulated should the deleted entity be recreated in Salesforce.

To configure data import priority and the data sources:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..
  2. Click Integration under Platform Extensions.
  3. Click the Inbound tab.
  4. From the Management menu, click Data Priority Order.
  5. Create the following list of data import priorities.

    The order of the data priorities must be the order listed below. For more information on creating or change the list, see Data import priority.For more information on creating or change the list, see Data import priority.

    An image of the Data Import Priorities table displaying the Bulk API, Get CRM Accounts, Get CRM Contacts, and Get CRM Leads data priorities.

    Tip: After the running the CRM Integration Wizard, Oracle Eloqua created a default list of data import priorities. You can rename those items to match the list above or remove them and create your own list.

  6. In the Inbound tab, expand the folders under All Data Sources. This folder lists all the data sources corresponding to each auto synch set up earlier.

    An image of the Data Upload Source page displaying the details of the Get Accounts data upload source.

  7. For each data source listed, set the priority using the Priority drop-down list with the following settings:
    Data sourceData priority
    Get AccountsGet CRM Accounts
    Get Deleted AccountsGet CRM Accounts
    Get ContactsGet CRM Contacts
    Get Deleted ContactsGet CRM Contacts
    Get LeadsGet CRM Leads
    Get Deleted LeadsGet CRM Leads
    Get Converted LeadsGet CRM Leads

After you finish: Continue to Creating Salesforce fields in Oracle Eloqua.

Learn more

Creating Salesforce fields in Oracle Eloqua

Integrating Oracle Eloqua with Salesforce