Creating a new security domain

Important: This feature is part of a Controlled Availability program that is now closed. Users can use Authenticated Portals (formerly Authenticated Contact Management) instead.

All instances of the Eloqua Marketing Platform are delivered with one security domain as standard. This security domain holds the account information and credentials for all users of the marketing automation platform and sales tools for your organization.

Eloqua customer administrators have the ability to add additional security domains to their instance of Eloqua. It is a best practice to create a unique security domain for every new authenticated microsite so you can easily manage administrative options.

To set up a new security domain:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..

  2. Click Users in the Users and Security area.

  3. Click Users , then click Security Domain Settings.

    An image of the Users menu with Security Domain Settings.

  4. Click Create Security Domain.
  5. Type a name for the security domain into the Create Security Domain field, then click Save.

    Important: Your security domain's name will be used in the email sent to users when an account is created. Be sure to use a name that will be clear and intelligible to users.

Your domain is saved and ready for configuration. A security domain holds a certain number of configuration options pertaining to such things as password complexity and maximum login attempts.

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Authenticated microsites
