Authenticated Portals

(formerly Authenticated Contact Management)

Important: Enterprise customers and customers whose account is enabled for the Data Privacy add-on can request access to this feature by logging in to My Oracle Support and creating a service request. If your account does not have the Data Privacy add-on or is not on the Enterprise trim, you will need to either contact Support to enable the add-on or upgrade to Enterprise to access Authenticated Portals.

As of January 2021, HIPAA clients will have the Authenticated Portals enabled as part of their HIPAA solution. The HIPAA app, which is comparable to Authenticated Portals, is only available to customers enabled for the HIPAA solution before January 2021. The Authenticated Portals offers greater flexibility, personalization, and reporting capabilities for our HIPAA customers.

You can use Authenticated Portals to securely send sensitive information to authenticated contacts over electronic communication using the following main features:

Secure contact management

  • Manage contacts and their activities in relation to authenticated microsites.
  • Configure automated self-registration via form submission and the program canvas.

Secure content management

  • Allow contacts to view secured content by authenticating into a secured microsite.
  • Out-of-the-box landing pages as well as welcome and reset password emails.

Branded secure inbox

  • Branded secured inbox for authenticated contacts to view and manage all the secured communication.

Setting up and configuring Authenticated Portals

The steps below outline the recommended setup and configuration process for managing authenticated contacts:

  1. Create a new Security Domain: This domain holds the account information and security credentials for the users of your authenticated microsite.
  2. Create an authenticated microsite: An authenticated microsite is a secure microsite that requires visitors to log in before they can view the site's content. Authenticated microsites use SSL protocol to encrypt the connection between the browser and the web server, and user credentials to restrict access. These security features allow you to create microsites that include sensitive information, or simply information that you want to restrict to a specific audience.
  3. Create a custom notification email: You can manage your contact's user experience by customizing your notification emails with branded content. By default, Oracle Eloqua sends out standard welcome and password reset emails.
  4. Create a secure email group: A secure email group ensures that emails are sent from Oracle Eloqua directly to a secure message center. A notification email is then sent to the contact's inbox.
  5. Add contacts: In order to receive your secure communications, contacts need to be added to your authenticated microsite. Contacts can be added one at a time, or in batches using the Contact Upload Wizard, Data Import, or program canvas.
  6. Create a secure inbox: Authenticated contacts can view and manage their messages in a secure inbox. Contacts are required to sign in to the inbox to view their messages.
  7. Send secure messages: Send secure messages to your authenticated contacts using a multi-step campaign.