Exporting segment contacts

You can export segment contacts to an export file that you can download. For example, you could use the export to later update contacts in bulk or download the export file for use by other systems at your organization.

Tip: To schedule an export or to store the export file on an SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server, you can use the data export tool. See Exporting contacts or accounts for more information.

To export a segment:

  1. Navigate to Audience An image of the Audience icon., then click Segments.
  2. Create a segment with the contacts that you want to export.
  3. Click View Contacts.

    The View Segment Members window opens.

    Note: You are prompted to refresh the segment if more than 24 hours has passed since the last time the segment was evaluated.

  4. If applicable, change the Contact View to ensure you are exporting the contact fields you want.
  5. Click Export.

    An image of the Export Fields section.

  6. Configure the export window and click Export.

    A link to download the export data will be sent to the specified email address. The export is available from that link for 14 days.

Learn more

Creating segments
