Generating user history reports

Administrators can generate reports to track and review Eloqua user activity. In addition to these reports, you can also perform Auditing in Oracle Eloqua.

There are three types of reports to run: the welcome email history report, the user upload history report, and the license usage overview report. All three reports are run from the Users section, found under Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..

An image of the Users menu with Welcome Email History Report, User Upload History, and License Usage Overview Report highlighted.

Welcome email history report

A welcome email history report shows if a welcome email was generated for any currently existing users. Use this report to perform an audit of all users who were created, and to check to see if a user who was added to your system then received an email with login credentials.

To generate a welcome email history report:

  1. Click Users, then click Welcome Email History Report.

    An image of the Users menu with Welcome Email History Report highlighted.

    The Welcome Email History Report configuration menu opens in a new window.
  2. Select a time range from the Time Span drop-down box, then click the clock icon An image of the clock icon. to generate a report.

    An image of the time span drop-down box.

    A list appears and displays all relevant user activity.

    An image of a list displaying user activity.

    • To export the report, click Export > Export to Excel. Reports are exported to an .xls file. To print, click Export>Print Report to send the report to the printing machine of your choosing.

      An image of the Export menu with Export to Excel highlighted.

      An image of the Export menu with Print Report highlighted.

User upload history report

The user upload history report shows all of the users who have been created in your system within a set period of time.

To generate a user upload history report:

  1. Click Users, then click User Upload History. The User Upload / Update History configuration menu opens in a new window.
  2. Select a Start Date and End Date for the report, or select the time range drop-down option, then click the clock An image of the clock icon. icon. A list appears and displays all relevant user activity.
    • To export the report, click Export > Export to Excel. Reports are exported to an .xls file. To print, click Export>Print Report to send the report to the printing machine of your choosing.

License usage overview report

The license usage overview report displays the number of licenses currently being used in your instance of Eloqua. Use this report to check if you have over assigned licenses. You drill down in this report to review the user and security group details.

To generate a license usage overview report:

  1. Click Users, then click License Usage Overview Report. The License Usage Overview report opens in a new window. For each product license in your Eloqua instance, the User Count, Security Group Count, as well as the Enabled User Count and Disabled User Count are displayed.

    An image of the License Usage Overview report.

    • To export the report, click Export > Export to Excel. Reports are exported to an .xls file. To print, click Export>Print Report to send the report to the printing machine of your choosing.

license, usage, users, enabled, disabled

Learn more

Viewing product audit log history

Viewing user and security group history