Adding Web Recommendations

With Recommendations for web, you can insert relevant personalized recommendations on your website based on machine learning.

Creating Recommendations using Oracle Maxymiser requires Recommendations to be setup on Infinity IQ. In case you have not configured recommendations on Infinity IQ, please follow the steps here. Else, follow the steps below to create a recommendations campaign on web via Maxymiser.

Creating a recommendations campaign in Maxymiser

After completing the one time setup tasks for recommendations, create a new campaign. The variants of this campaign will act as recommendation widgets.

There are four key steps in order to configure your campaign:

  1. Insert a recommendations widget on the page.

  2. Setup the Recommendations Service URL.

  3. Configure the layout.

  4. Preview, target and publish your campaign.

You will learn more about the details in the next sub-sections.

Insert a recommendations widget on the page

To insert a recommendations widget on the page:

  1. Navigate to the Content page and choose the page and position you want to use.

  2. From the Recommendations Category from the Components panel on the right, insert a recommendation widget either above or below that element, or you may even replace the element.

In the Interactions screen, you are required to set up the Recommendations Service URL so that Maxymiser can fetch recommendations using that Service.

In case you have not setup a Recommendations Service on your Infinity IQ account or do not have a Recommendations Service URL, please follow the steps here.

Creating a Service URL is simple. You can do it in either of the two ways:

  • Log in to your Infinity IQ and create a Recommendation Service from within Recommendations Home.

  • Click the Create Service link at the bottom of the page, which would redirect you to create a Recommendation Service page within Infinity IQ.

Either of these would take you to Recommendations Services view within Infinity IQ. You can copy any existing Service URLs from the same screen or create a New Service.

If you have your Service URL handy, you can also update it in the Service URL string field.

Once the Service URL has been set up, you can configure the layout strategy as detailed below.

Learn more

Adding Email Recommendations

Adding Recommendations service (API)

Configuring the Layout

Previewing, Targeting, and Publishing