Adding segments to a collection

You can add segments to a collection so that they apply all its reports. If you add two or more segments to your collection, the segments use AND logic.

To add a segment to a collection:

  1. Select Analytics.
    Image of the duplicate icon used to copy an existing collection
    The Collections list is displayed.
  2. Click the edit icon Image of the duplicate icon used to copy an existing collection next to the collection you want to add a segment to. The Edit Collection page is displayed.
  3. In the Data section, click + Add Segment.
    Image of the Data section of the Edit Collection dialog
    The segment dialog is displayed.
  4. Select the check boxes for one or more segments of your data to include in this collection. Alternatively, click Create Segment and define a new segment.
  5. Click Apply.

The selected segment will apply to all reports in the collection.

Removing segments from a collection

If you have the necessary rights, you can remove segments from a collection.

Certain standard segments are provided by default and cannot be deleted.

To remove a segment from a collection:

  1. Select Analytics.
    Image of the duplicate icon used to copy an existing collection
    The Collections list is displayed.
  2. Click the edit icon Image of the duplicate icon used to copy an existing collection next to the collection you want to edit. The Edit Collection page is displayed.
  3. In the Data section, click X icon next to the segment that you want to remove.
    Image of the X icon in the Data section of the Edit Collection dialog
  4. Click Save.



Adding segments to a report

Removing segments from a report

Overview of Analytics Reports

segment, filter, collection