Editing My Profile

The My Profile page allows you to edit your display name and change your password.

You can edit your profile information from the following locations:

Site header

  1. On upper-right hand corner of the navigation toolbar, select My Profile.

    Image of the My Profile option in the profile menu

Oracle Maxymiser navigation bar

  1. On the navigation bar, click your user name, then click My Profile.

Admin tab

  1. Click , then click My Profile.
  2. The My Profile page opens.

  3. Make the required changes, then click Save Changes.

    Note: Users who are set up for single sign on (SSO) using credentials from a third-party site (such as Oracle Responsys) cannot see the Change your Password settings and need to request password resets from their third-party SSO site.

Changing your password

To reset your password on the My Profile page, you must enter a secure password that complies with the following default guidelines:

  • Must include a number, a mixture of upper and lower case letters, and be a minimum of eight characters.
  • Must not be the same as any of the last three passwords used.
  • Must not match any four characters from your username or site name. This measure is in place to help prevent easy-to-guess passwords being used.
  • You can use only use the following special characters: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + = - { [ } ] | ; : ' >  , <  . ? ”

Learn more

Password security settings

Login troubleshooting

Data privacy and security features

SSO, security, authentication, authorization, secured user access, password reset, my profile