Tracking clicks in a campaign

You can track clicks in your campaign to help measure success and determine winners.

To determine which object is getting the most clicks, you can use action attributes to differentiate between objects that are all being tracked using the same action. For example, when testing a new navigation bar, you could create a single click action that can be attached to each link. This action allows you to track overall clicks anywhere in the navigation. By adding an attribute for each category link, you could use the action breakdown to see the percentage of clicks for each category.

To create a new click tracking action:

  1. On the Actions tab, create a new click action.
  2. To rename the action, double click its name and type a new name.
  3. In edit mode, navigate to the page you wish to track.
  4. Click Attach to attach this action to your selection. An orange action icon appears next to each object on the page you are tracking.
  5. To remove this action from your selection, click Detach.
  6. If your campaign has more than one action, select one as a primary action. The primary action should be used as the main measurement to determine a winner for the campaign. It is also the default action shown in reporting.

Learn more

Campaign performance report