What are the error status codes?


The error status codes are what Responsys returns when an API request or call fails. This topic describes what to expect for REST and SOAP error responses. It also provides a table of error codes with possible causes and troubleshooting actions for you to try.

Handling REST API error responses

If an API request fails, Responsys returns the following error information instead of the expected successful response. The format is as follows:

  "type": "",
  "title": <ERROR_TITLE>,
  "errorCode": <ERROR_CODE>,
  "detail": <DETAIL_MESSAGE>,
  "errorDetails": []



  • <ERROR_TITLE> is the short description of the error.
  • <ERROR_CODE> is the error code. Responsys error code format is descriptive text, all caps, and use underscores instead of spaces.
  • <DETAIL_MESSAGE> provides additional details about the error.
  • The parameters type and errorDetails do not return values. We have reserved them for future use.


  "type": "",
  "title": "Invalid request parameters",
  "errorCode": "INVALID_PARAMETER",
  "detail": "FieldList is null OR empty",
  "errorDetails": []

Handling SOAP API error responses

If an API call fails, Responsys returns the following error information instead of the expected successful response. Refer to the SOAP API Guide “Getting Started” section for examples of how to obtain and process the error messages. The "Result Codes" and "Exception Codes" section of the guide provide specific error codes that would be returned in the errorMessage property of a response, when applicable.

Error Status Codes

When an API call/request fails and when Responsys can determine the problem, it will return one of the following error codes. This list is organized alphabetically.

Error Code



HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Account is in a suspended state.

Actions: Contact the Responsys Account Administrator. The Account Administrator should contact the Responsys account's Oracle Customer Success Manager for assistance.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Request limit exceeded.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: The function_name is currently not available to this user.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Your account may not have permission to use the API call that you have attempted.

Actions: If the API call is not documented in the standard API reference documentation, your code may have attempted to use a call that is typically restricted to Oracle Internal use only. You may need to refactor your code if your account is not authorized to use the call.

You may also see this message if:

  • Your account lacks a required setting. For example, you may see this message if you are using a campaign-related call and your account is not enabled for Email Message Designer (EMD) for email campaigns or Push for mobile app campaigns.
  • You try to schedule an email campaign and the email campaign is a classic campaign. (EMD-enabled accounts may still force a campaign to save as classic, but this will cause issues for campaign scheduling APIs.)


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: API is not allowed in secondary.

Actions: Non HATM endpoint should be used.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Authentication failed.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Campaign already exists.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Not a valid campaign.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Campaign launch has already occurred.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Campaign launch date is past.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Campaign not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Campaign not listening.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Campaign is already scheduled for launch.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Campaign Schedule not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Client certificate expired.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Client certificate not valid.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Client certificate not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: This Schedule is already scheduled to run at specified time.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Custom event not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Data source not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Document already exists.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Document not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Duplicate API request.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Duplicate data source.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Folder already exists.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Folder not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Account is not active.

Actions: Contact the Responsys Account Administrator. The Account Administrator should contact the Responsys account's Oracle Customer Success Manager for assistance.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: The system cannot find any images in the requested document file, or the path to the image is broken.


  • Review the errorDetails text to determine the invalid parameter that caused the error message.
  • If you expected to receive image data in your response, verify that you are requesting the images for the correct Content Library document file.
  • You can also retrieve the HTML document from the content library and examine it to determine if there are errors in the image tags, such as the wrong file extension, file name, or path to the image file.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: The API user lacks one or more roles needed to perform the action.

Actions: Ask the Responsys Account Administrator to verify the roles assigned to the API user.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Not a valid authentication option.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Not a valid authentication option.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Invalid Schedule Time.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Invalid Campaign Schedule Type.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Campaign Schedule Type cannot be changed.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Invalid date.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Invalid field name.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Invalid number.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Invalid object.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: API call/request used an invalid parameter, omitted a required parameter, or set the parameter to an incorrect value.


  • Review the errorDetails text to determine the invalid parameter that caused the error message.
  • Verify that your call/request included all required parameters. For example, for some content library API requests, the document path must begin with /contentlibrary and must contain the full document file name.
  • Verify correct syntax for the required parameters and their values. For example, you may receive this error if /contentlibrary is misspelled in a content library request, or if an incorrect file extension is given for a document file name.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Invalid Proof Launch Type.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Invalid request content.


HTTP response code:

Causes: In SOAP, this can occur if something has happened to a valid server session state (the JSESSIONID cookie); for example, if may have been cleared or overwritten. Not applicable for REST.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Not a valid token.

Actions: Ensure that the token matches that returned by Responsys during authentication. If you are unable to find the token returned by Responsys during authentication, you can also try to re-authenticate and use the newer token.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: This occurs during authentication if the API request uses an invalid user name or password, or attempts to log in to a suspended or deleted account.

Actions: Contact the Responsys Account Administrator for assistance. The Responsys Account Administrator should go to the Account | Manage Users page in Responsys and take the following steps:

  • Verify that the API user name matches the one that the client application is using to authenticate. Responsys sends this error for deleted accounts, so you may not see the API user name in the list.
  • Verify that the API user account's User Status is set to Active.
  • If the password is the issue, ensure that the API user account's email is valid, and then reset the password. Responsys sends password reset emails to the user's email address. The API developer(s) should work with the person who receives the password reset email to get a secure password. Ensure that the team knows the Responsys account's password requirements.
  • If the API user exceed the number of unsuccessful login attempts (5 by default), Responsys locks the user login. Unlock the API user by selecting the user name from the list, and then clicking Unlock Account. Responsys sends an email to the API user, informing them that the login has been unlocked. The email recommends that the API user change the password immediately.
  • If single sign-on is enabled for the account, you will be unable to change the password. In this case, please contact Oracle Support.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Limit is not valid.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: List already exists.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Not a valid client IP range.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Login is blocked temporarily.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Login is blocked temporarily.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Login is disabled.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Attachment size exceeded.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Maximum login failure exceeded.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Campaign disabled for user.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED

Causes: Method not supported.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Multiple objects found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Multiple recipients found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: No campaigns for this folder.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: No objects in this folder.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: No recipient found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Object already exists.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Object not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Offset is not valid.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN

Causes: Operation not supported.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Password locked.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: The API user's password has expired and must be reset.

Actions: Contact the Responsys Account Administrator for assistance. The Responsys Account Administrator should go to the Account | Manage Users page in Responsys, ensure that the API user account's email is valid, and then reset the password. Responsys sends password reset emails to the user's email address. The API developer(s) should work with the person who receives the password reset email to get a secure password. Ensure that the team knows the Responsys account's password requirements.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Object path not valid.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Private key not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Profile list not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Profile list not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Push list not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Recipient limit exceeded.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.OK

Causes: Recipient status undeliverable.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Record limit exceeded.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Record not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Resource not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Salesforce campaign id not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Server certificate expired.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Server certificate not valid yet.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Server certificate not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Server challenge did not match.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE

Causes: Service unavailable.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND

Causes: Table not found.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: In the REST API, this means that the authentication token has expired. Tokens expire after 2 hours, unless you use the call to refresh the token.


  • Log in again, and then use the new token in your call. Ensure that you also use the endpoint returned in your login call for subsequent calls.
  • Design your API code to account for token expiration.
  • You can design your API code to refresh your token if you do not want to re-authenticate completely every two hours.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

Causes: Unable to create campaign.

Actions: Contact the Responsys Account Administrator. The Account Administrator should verify the following:

  • The API user includes the correct role.
  • Whether the account is authorized to use the API.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

Causes: A server error occurred when processing your request.


  • Verify that the request body is correct for the endpoint; for example, this error may occur when using the parameters for a newer API request with an endpoint that expects parameters defined for the older version.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR

Causes: Unrecoverable exception.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Cause: The API user has had 5 unsuccessful login attempts.

Actions: Contact the Responsys Account Administrator for assistance. The Responsys Account Administrator should go to the Account | Manage Users page in Responsys and take the following steps

  • Unlock the API user by selecting the user name from the list, and then clicking Unlock Account. Responsys sends an email to the API user, informing them that the login has been unlocked. The email recommends that the API user change the password immediately.
  • Coordinate with the API user regarding the password reset. If the API user knows the old password, the API user can set a new one. Otherwise, you can reset the password from the Responsys Account | Manage Users page. Ensure that the API user has a valid email address, and then reset the password. API developers should work with the person who received the password reset email to ensure that the new password is secure.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST

Causes: Virus found in file. (NOTE: The detail property shows the name of the file in which the virus was found.)

Actions: Follow your organization's processes to scan and repair files on the servers where the files are stored and where the client application is running.


HTTP response code: HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED

Causes: Web service Account Resource Group (ARG) is disabled.

Actions: Retry later. If the error message persists, create a My Oracle Support Service Request (SR).

errorCode, error code, error status code

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