Adding Content to the Content Library

You can either create HTML and text documents directly in the Content Library or upload content. You can upload either individual files or a ZIP file.

Tip: As a best practice, you should keep all documents and assets used in a campaign together, for example, keeping SummerSale.png and WinterSale.png in an Images folder. It's recommended that you group items of the same or similar type into the same Content Library folder, re-use content from a shared folder, and place all images into an images folder.

To create a document:

  1. In the Content List, click Create Document.

    The Create Document page opens.

  2. In the Document name field, type the name for the document.

    A document name can be up to 100 characters long, and must contain only the following characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 space ! - = @ _ . { } [ ]

  3. Optionally, select a different folder.

    By default, the document is created in the folder that was selected when you clicked the Create Document button (the folder name appears in the Select the folder field). To create the document in a different folder:

    1. Click Select.

      The Select Folder dialog opens.

    2. Select the folder you want and click Select.
  4. To create a text document, select Text from the Document Type drop down list.

    By default, an HTML document is created.

  5. Optionally, select a different character set from the Character Set drop down list.

    Available character sets depend of your account configuration.

  6. Type your content in the Content field.
  7. Click Save.

    The document is created and a confirmation message opens.

  8. Click OK to return to the Content List.

To upload a file:

 The file size must not exceed 1,000 KB. To upload larger files, please contact Responsys Support.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • In the Folder List, click next to the name of the folder into which you want to upload and select Upload.
    • Click Upload in the Content list.

    The Upload content page opens.

  2. Do one of the following:
    • Drag the file from any location on your computer to the page.
    • Click browse for a file and select the file you want.
  3. To change the character set, click Change.
  4. To change the upload folder, click Change upload folder and select the folder you want.
  5. To add tags to the file, click Add Tags.

    For more information about tagging files, see Tagging Content in the Content Library.

  6. Click Start Upload.
  7. To cancel upload after it starts, click X next to the file name.
  8. To return to the Content Library, click Back.

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