Creating an MMS Campaign

Important: This feature is available only if enabled for your account. MMS is only available in the US to customers on the Oracle Responsys legacy pricing model.

To create an MMS campaign:

  1. On the side navigation bar, click The Campaign icon Campaigns > Manage Campaigns, then click Create Campaign. (Not seeing this choice? Refer to the Side navigation bar changes topic.)
  2. In the Create campaign dialog, select MMS.
  3. Provide the basic information about the email campaign. Click Done. Learn more about these settings.
  4. Build your MMS message in the MMS Message Designer.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. To preview and save the campaign, click The preview icon Preview.
  7. To review and change campaign details, click Workbook.

After you have finished, you can mange the campaign from the campaign workbook.

Campaign settings

Important: If you change a campaign’s name, folder, marketing program, marketing strategy, subject line, or external campaign ID, then historical and new launches for both triggered and standard launches will take these new values in Insight. It does not impact CED behavior as CED retains an unchanged ‘snapshot’ of values.

  • Name: Required. The unique name for the campaign

    The campaign cannot have the same name as an existing campaign or form in any folder. The name must be no longer than 150 characters and can include only the following characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 space ! - = @ _ [ ] { }

  • Description: Any description or notes
  • Marketing Strategy: The marketing strategy

    Marketing strategies are defined by the Account Administrator on the Account Management page.

    Note: Prior to 19A, if you changed a campaign’s marketing strategy for a standard launch, then historical launches would keep the old values in Insight, while new launches would take the new values. Post 19A, Insight will display the new marketing strategy values for both historical and new standard launches. This update applies to all channels. It does not impact the CED behavior.

  • Marketing Program: The marketing program

    Marketing program values are defined by the Account Administrator in the Campaign Management section of the Account Management page.

    Note: Prior to 19A, if you changed a campaign’s marketing program for a standard launch, then historical launches would keep the old values in Insight, while new launches would take the new values. Post 19A, Insight will display the new marketing program values for both historical and new standard launches. This update applies to all channels. It does not impact the CED behavior.

  • Folder: Required. The folder for the campaign.
  • List: The list for the campaign. If you do not select a list, you can select one later using the campaign workbook.

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