Collaboration Process

Collaboration Processes allow local and corporate marketers to collaborate on campaign content. For example, USA office wants to run local marketing campaign in which San Bruno, San Jose, and New York local marketers can contribute market-specific content to the email campaign for use by their respective markets.

You can create processes to use once for a campaign, or for reuse with multiple campaigns.

A process comprises several steps. Some steps require input from other users, such as content contribution and content approval, while others are performed automatically, such as publishing content and launching a campaign. Learn more on Topliners about roles, access control, and targeting by organization.

About Roles

Users must have the following roles to work with processes:

This Task Requires This Role
Create a base campaign Express Email Campaign Manager
Design a process Collaboration Process Designer
Launch a process Collaboration Process Launcher
Collaboration Process Designer
Contribute content Express Email Campaign Manager
Express Email Content Manager
Configure schedule Express Email Campaign Manager
Configure targeting Express Email Campaign Manager
Approve content Express Email Content Approver
Express Email Campaign Approver
Send proof & approve Express Email Campaign Manager
Monitor an active process Collaboration Process Designer
Collaboration Process Launcher

Creating and Using Processes

Creating and using a process comprises the following steps. Note that some steps might not apply to your processes.

  1. The Collaboration Process Designer creates the process and publishes it.

    This step defines the process workflow, specifies a base campaign, and makes it available for launching.

  2. The Collaboration Process Launcher launches the process.

    This step moves the process to the first defined step.

  3. The Express Email Content Manager contribute and submit content for approval (if required).

    When the Express email content manager begins his task, he will need to select a campaign on which to work. For each task, the system creates a copy of the base campaign specified by the process designer in step 1.

  4. Express email campaign approver approves the content.
  5. The content is published and the campaign is launched.

    Users with the Collaboration Process Designer and Collaboration Process Launcher roles can monitor the active processes for their organizational units.

About Process Variables

You can use variables to make your processes reusable. For example, you must select a campaign in the Contribute Content step. Instead of selecting a specific campaign, you can create a Campaign variable. This way, you will be able to select a different campaign for each process launch.

The same variable can be used in several steps. For example, if a process includes a Contribute Content and an Approve Content steps, both steps will likely work on the same campaign. In this case, you can use the Campaign variable in both steps. When the process is launched, the process launcher will select one campaign that will be used for both steps.

When you add steps that depend on organizations, the variable Launch_Organization_Units is automatically added to the process. Those steps are:

  • Configure Targeting
  • Contribute Content
  • Approve Content
  • Publish Content
  • Raise Event
  • Launch Campaign

About Organizational Access and Targeting by Organization Control

If you are using Organizational Access Control, your Organizational Access policy controls which processes a user can access. If your process includes a Launch Campaign step, the campaign will be launched according to your Targeting by Organization policy. For more information, see Organizational Access and Targeting by Organization.

Organizational Access at design time

The Collaboration Process Launcher and Collaboration Process Designer can access processes assigned to their organizational units in Oracle Responsys.

Organizational Access and Targeting by Organization at launch time

When launching a collaboration process, the process launcher must select participating organizational units. This ensures that Content Contributors submit content only for their organizational units. If the process includes a Launch Campaign step, the campaign will be launched according to your Targeting by Organization policy.

When the process is launched, a process instance is created for each participating organizational unit. Each process instance is launched simultaneously, and will proceed independently for each organizational unit.

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