Editing a rule set

A rule set includes all of the rules for a dynamic content region, the order of the rules, and the logic. You can create a reusable rule set by saving a rule set that you created for a dynamic content region in a campaign. You can also create a rule set by copying a rule set contained in a folder.

After you create a rule set, you can edit it.

Changing a rule set or its rules does not impact campaigns that imported the rule set.

To edit a rule set:

  1. Navigate to An image of the Copy icon Folders.
  2. Locate the rule set that you want to edit.

    To locate rule sets more easily, use the Contents filter and select Dynamic Content Rules. This will display only the rule sets in the selected folder.

  1. Click on An image of the Copy icon then select Edit.
  2. Use the Rule set editor to edit the rule set.

    You can add a new rule, create a new rule by copying a rule, edit existing rules, reorder the rules, or delete rules from the rule set.

  3. When you are done editing the rule set, click Save and exit. If you want to close the Rule set editor without saving your changes, click the drop-down arrow on the Save button and choose Discard changes.

To add a new rule to the rule set:

  1. Click New rule.
  2. Type the new rule name in the field provided and click OK. The Rules editor dialog is displayed.
  3. Drag fields to the Conditions area. You can add up to 30 conditions.
    • If a field isn't showing in the list, click Add columns.
    • To add additional data sources, click Add table.
    • To combine multiple conditions and build more complex logic, drag Insert enclosure to the Conditions area.
    • If you add multiple conditions, join the filters using a Boolean AND or OR comparison. To switch between AND or OR, click the drop-down list.
  4. Configure each condition. To find out more about configuring conditions relating to dates, see Configuring Dynamic Content Rules by Days/Weeks.
  5. When you are done, click OK to close the dialog.

To edit an existing rule:

  1. Locate the rule you want to edit. Click Rule action menu icon and then select Edit.
  2. Modify the Conditions area as needed. You can add up to 30 conditions.
    • If a field isn't showing in the list, click Add columns.
    • To add additional data sources, click Add table.
    • To combine multiple conditions and build more complex logic, drag Insert enclosure to the Conditions area.
    • If you add multiple conditions, join the filters using a Boolean AND or OR comparison. To switch between AND or OR, click the drop-down list.
  3. Configure each condition. To find out more about configuring conditions relating to dates, see Configuring Dynamic Content Rules by Days/Weeks.
  4. When you are done, click OK to close the dialog.

To reorder the rules:

Rules in a rule set are evaluated in the order they are listed. This can impact the result that recipients will receive. To change the order, drag and drop the rules in the list.

To copy a rule:

You can create a new rule by copying an existing one.

  1. Locate the rule that you want to copy. Click Rule action menu icon and then select Copy. The new rule is placed at the top of the rule set list, and its name is prefixed with "Copy of".
  2. Click Rule action menu icon by the new copy of the rule, and then select Edit.

To delete a rule from a rule set:

Locate the rule that you want to remove. Click Rule action menu icon and then select Delete.

If you save the rule set, you cannot restore deleted rules. If you have deleted a rule but have not saved the rule set yet, you can restore it by choosing Discard changes from the Save menu.

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