Managing Templates Created in the Visual Template Designer

Your organization can use email campaign templates to standardize on branding or types of emails. You can create an email campaign template in either the Email Message Designer or the Visual Template Designer.

Important: Templates created in the Email Message Designer cannot be copied and cannot be edited in the Visual Template Designer.

Searching for templates

To edit, copy, preview, rename, or delete a template, or to edit its description, search for the template using the global navigation bar.

An image of the global search bar

To filter search results to show only templates:

  1. From the search results, click Show filters.

    Screenshot showing location of the Show filters link, which shows the interface for selecting filters.

  2. Click Type to show options for filtering by object type.
  3. Scroll to the Other section, and select Email Templates. The filter is applied and the list will show only email templates.

    Screenshot showing the Type filters, which allow you to filter by object type. It also shows the location of the Email Templates filter check box.

Options when managing templates

An image of email templates in the search results

Click the template's name to preview the template.

Click View details to see the template's description.

Click An image of the Edit icon to edit the template in the Visual Template Designer.

Important: Templates created in the Email Message Designer cannot be edited in the Visual Template Designer.

Number 4 Click An image of the Copy icon to create a copy of the template.

Important: Templates created in the Email Message Designer cannot be copied.

Click An image of the Preview icon to preview the template.

Click An image of the More Options icon to rename or delete the template. Select Rename to edit the template's description.

Note: Deleting an email campaign template does not impact any campaigns that use the template.

Visual Template Designer, find template, find templates, search template, search templates, find email templates, search email templates, email templates, manage email templates

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