Making User Settings Available for Mapping (User Imports Only)

You can import user information for your employees using Integration Manager. In addition to the employee information stored in the user table, you can import user settings, including user preferences and user privileges that are stored in the switch table.

To make a user setting available for mapping:

  1. On the Field Mapping window for user imports, click Switch.


    For steps to go to the Field Mapping window, see Mapping OpenAir Fields to CSV Columns.

    The Add a switch field dialog windows.

    Add a Switch Field window in Integration Manager.
  2. Enter the setting name exactly as used in the OpenAir switch table. The setting name display name that is used on forms and list views in the OpenAir UI in addition to the unique field name that is used to reference the custom field.

    To verify the setting name in OpenAir, go to Administration > Global Settings > Users > Employees > [Select an employee] then use the developer tools in your browser to inspect the label for the setting. The Inspector pane or window shows the HTML code for the page you are viewing with the element you are inspecting highlighted. The element should read as follows, with the setting name showing in between quotation marks.

    <label for="setting_name">Setting label</label> 
    Portion of the User Demographic form in OpenAir and Browser Developer Tools Showing the Settings Name.

    Make sure you use the setting name and not the label displayed on the form. The setting name is used to reference the setting in the OpenAir software and contains only alphanumeric or underscore characters.

  3. Click OK to return to the Field Mapping window.

  4. Click OK to save the field mapping settings and return to the main Integration Manager window.

Examples of Standard User Settings

Setting Name

Privilege / Preference

Accepted values


Access to Timesheets module

0 – user can access

1 – user cannot access


Access to Expenses module

0 – user can access

1 – user cannot access


Access to Projects module

0 – user can access

1 – user cannot access


Access to Resources module

0 – user can access

1 – user cannot access


Access to My account module

0 – user can access

1 – user cannot access


Access to Invoices module

0 – user can access

1 – user cannot access


Access to Worspaces module

0 – user can access

1 – user cannot access


Access to Purchases module

0 – user can access

1 – user cannot access


Access to Opportunities module

0 – user can access

1 – user cannot access


Enable the report management and editor interface

0 – clear the box

1 – check the box


Sort the task drop-downs by name and omit the ID number prefix

0 – clear the box

1 – check the box


Timesheet required

0 – clear the box

1 – check the box


Timesheet duration

A – same as company setting

D – daily timesheets

W – weekly timesheets

B – bi-weekly timesheets

M – monthly timesheets


Timesheet open periods



Expenses open periods



Enable start and end time entry on timesheets

0 – clear the box

1 – check the box


Allocation grid custom field

GridCategory1, PercentageValue1
GridCategory2, PercentageValue2
GridCategory3, PercentageValue3

Where GridCategory<N> are the categories defined for your allocation grid, and PercentageValue<N> are the percentage shares for each category.