Address Fields

Address properties are defined as complex type properties in the XSD and the XML API handles addresses as compound fields using the Address element.

The SOAP API handles the different elements forming an address as individual component fields, which are defined as simple type properties in the WSDL.

Usage Guidelines

Review the following guidelines:

  • When reading Company, Contact, Customer, CustomerProspect, User or Vendor objects you can list the specific address information to be returned.

    • XML — List the address information required between the address object property tags as per the following example.


      Address object properties include addr for Company, Contact, Customer, CustomerProspect, User or Vendor objects, as well as billingaddr and contactaddr for Customer and CustomerProspect.

    • SOAP — List the address information required in the fields of the ReadRequest complex type.

  • When adding or modifying address information using the XML API, the address value between object property tags must be an Address object.