Restrict Project Recalculation to Tasks Impacted by the Changes on the Project Outline, Gantt and Task Detail View

Improve the performance of the project outline, Gantt and task detail view by restricting project recalculation to tasks that are impacted by the changes.

By default, when you create, duplicate, delete, or modify a task associated with the project you are viewing, or when you move or copy a task to another project, the project calculation includes all tasks associated with the project.

With this feature enabled, only the tasks that are impacted by the changes are include in the project calculation. For example, if you change the planned hours for a resource assigned to a particular task, the recalculation will include only the specific task and any successor tasks. None of the other tasks are included in the recalculation.

The optimization improves loading time for the following views after making changes or after running the project recalculation manually.

This optional feature can be used in combination with other project recalculation optimization features. For more information, see Performance Tuning.

To enable this feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.