Tasks (Project Tasks) Import Field Mapping Definition

The Tasks (Project Tasks) import workflow includes one mapping group:

Task Mapping Group

Use the task mapping group to map information on task records in OpenAir with information on project task records in NetSuite. The mapping group supports filters.

For reference information and best practice guidelines, review the following topics:

  • References — Overview of record types in OpenAir and NetSuite with links to the relevant reference material for information about fields available for mapping.

  • Default and Custom Filters — Overview of default filters and how to modify the default behavior, and custom filters. Custom filters are supported for this mapping group.

  • Default Field Mappings — Overview of default field mapping definitions including notes and best practice guidelines where relevant. Information imported by default includes task name, associated customer and project, start date, currency, and planned hours.

  • Additional Field Mappings — Best practice guidelines for custom field mapping definitions in this mapping group.


The following table gives reference information about the records and fields available for custom field mapping definition with links to the relevant reference material. See also Schema Reference Documentation.

NetSuite Record type [SOAP object]

OpenAir Record Type [table]

Mapping Group [Integration point]

Project Task [ProjectTask]

Schema: ProjectTask (2020.1)|ProjectTask (2023.1)

XSD: ProjectTaskSearchRowBasicplatformCommon (2020.1)|platformCommon (2023.1)

Task [project_task]

Data Dictionary: project_task


Default and Custom Filters

By default, project task records are imported from NetSuite into OpenAir if the following conditions are met:

  • Matching project records exists in OpenAir and NetSuite for the project associated with the project task in NetSuite.

  • The Export to OpenAir [custevent_oa_export_to_openair] box is checked on the project task record in NetSuite.

Existing task records in OpenAir are updated only if the Closed task [project_task.closed] box is not checked in OpenAir. You can change this behavior by adding a custom field mapping definition to change the Closed task field depending on the Status of the project task in NetSuite. See Additional Field Mappings.

Custom filters are supported for this mapping group. For more information about adding filter conditions, see Using Filters and Filter Definition.

Default Field Mappings

The following table describes the default field mapping definitions for the Task mapping group tab.

NetSuite Field


OpenAir Field



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When you import a new project task record from NetSuite into OpenAir, OpenAir stores the internal ID of the NetSuite project task in the NetSuite Project Task ID [netsuite_project_task_id] custom field. This custom field is used to link the OpenAir and NetSuite records for future updates and matching record associations.


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The OpenAir: Project Task Name [ProjectTask.custevent_oa_project_task_name] custom field in NetSuite is set automatically. It is used instead of the ProjectTask.title as the title includes the names of all parent tasks in NetSuite

Looked up OpenAir field valueid of OpenAir project record with netsuite_project_id equal to the NetSuite field ProjectTask.company

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Looked up OpenAir field valueid of OpenAir customer record associated with the project with internal ID Project_task.project_id.

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The task Start Date is set if the project task Constraint Type [ProjectTask.constraintType] is “Fixed Start” in NetSuite.


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Active and visible only if the Multicurrency feature is enabled for your OpenAir account


Multiple currency — The Currency on the task record in OpenAir is set to the Currency on the project task record in NetSuite.


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Unless the task is a milestone (the OpenAir: Milestone [ProjectTask.custevent_oa_milestone] box is checked on the project task record in NetSuite) or planned hours are entered for each task assignment in OpenAir, the task Planned Hours in OpenAir is set to the project task Estimated Work in NetSuite.

OpenAir NetSuite Connector runs the project calculation automatically when a task is added or updated using the Tasks (Project Tasks) import workflow

Additional Field Mappings


Review the following guidelines

  • You should contact your OpenAir Professional Services representative if you need to make changes to your integration configuration and field mapping definitions.

  • For advanced mapping usage and best practice guidelines, see Advanced Field Mapping Definition.

  • Familiarize yourself with the NetSuite and OpenAir technical documentation before attempting to set field mapping definitions using the advanced notation — See Schema Reference Documentation.

The following table describes additional field mapping definitions for the Task mapping group tab that may be required or useful in some cases.

NetSuite Field


OpenAir Field



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You can add a field mapping definition to check the Closed task [project_task.closed] box on the task record in OpenAir when the Status [ProjectTask.status] of the project task in NetSuite is changed to Completed, or clear the Closed task box on the task record in OpenAir when the Status of the project task in NetSuite is changed to In progress. To do so, select the OpenAir field project_task.closed and the NetSuite field ProjectTask.status.