Expense Line Mapping Group

Use the Expense Line mapping group to export information on the expense charges created automatically from approved billable expense receipts and included on the invoice in OpenAir to the corresponding expense line items listed on the NetSuite invoice Billable Expenses subtab.

This mapping group is used to export each expense charge as a billable expense line item on the invoice transaction record in NetSuite when the following conditions are met:


The field mappings on the Expense Line mapping group tab are not used for expense charges created manually in OpenAir also export. The Invoice Line mapping group is used instead if a Service is selected on the expense charge. See Invoice Line Mapping Group.

Expense charges created manually in OpenAir are not exported to NetSuite otherwise.

For reference information and best practice guidelines, review the following topics:


The following table gives reference information about the records and fields available for custom field mapping definition with links to the relevant reference material. See also Schema Reference Documentation.

NetSuite Record type [SOAP object]

OpenAir Record Type [table]

Mapping Group [Integration point]

Expense Line Item [InvoiceExpCost]

Schema: InvoiceExpCost(2020.1)|InvoiceExpCost(2023.1)

XSD: tranSales (2020.1)|tranSales (2023.1)

Charge [slip] of type E (Expense item) or M (Mileage expense item)

Data Dictionary: slip


Default Field Mappings

The following table describes the default field mapping definitions for the Expense Line mapping group tab.

NetSuite Field


OpenAir Field



Arrow pointing right

Looked up OpenAir field value

Envelope.netsuite_envelope_id for the expense report containing the receipt with Ticket.slip_id equal to Slip.id


Arrow pointing right



Arrow pointing right

Looked up NetSuite field value

The NetSuite expense line item ID corresponding to the OpenAir receipt associated with the charge.


Arrow pointing right


OpenAir NetSuite Connector respects the currency precision settings for your OpenAir account.

Additional Field Mappings


Review the following guidelines

  • You should contact your OpenAir Professional Services representative if you need to make changes to your integration configuration and field mapping definitions.

  • For advanced mapping usage and best practice guidelines, see Advanced Field Mapping Definition.

  • Familiarize yourself with the NetSuite and OpenAir technical documentation before attempting to set field mapping definitions using the advanced notation — See Schema Reference Documentation.

No specific guidelines