Project Center Options

If the Project Center feature is enabled for your account, users with the “View Project Center” role permission can access the project center view when they go to a project record. For more information about the Project Center feature, see Working with the Project Center View.

By default, the project center view shows a project outline on the left with the project sequence and resources booked to the project, and a booking grid on the right which can be used to view, add and modify hours each resource is booked to a project task at any point in the project time span.

If your company uses the project center only to create and manage project sequences but not to staff project and manage resource bookings, you can hide the resource booking information for all users. To do so, check the Disable project center booking worksheet box.

Resource availability indicators in the booking grid show the availability of the resource for each week as you add bookings or make changes to existing bookings for this resource. The availability indicator shows the number of hours available for booking based on the total number of hours across existing bookings for this resource that week, and the total number hours the resource is working that week (according to the employee work schedule). If the Overbooked resources warning indicators are enabled in the project center display options, the availability indicator always shows for a given resource in a given week when booked hours reach a utilization threshold.

Account administrators can configure which bookings are excluded from the available hours and booked hours calculation based on the Booking type and Approval status. They can also customize the resource availability indicator in the Project Center view, and set resource utilization ranges and color coding to suit the business requirements of your company.

To do so, go to Administration > Application Settings > Projects > Project Center Options.

Under the Resource availability calculation section of the form:

Under the Utilization color coding section of the form:

Project Center options form in the application administration for the Projects module.