Project Status News Feed

Add, update, and display project status messages to keep project stakeholders informed.

When this feature is enabled:

Each status update shows a date and time stamp and the name of the person who created it.

Date and time on status update.

By default, the news feed displays 5 status updates when opened. Click Load more to load additional messages.

Load more button on project status.

You can scroll through the news feed when there are more status updates than the page can fit.

Long status updates are not shown in full. Click Read more to see all the text.

Read more button on project status.

Status updates can be edited. Edited status updates show the mention (Edited) in the upper right corner. Point to (Edited) to see when and by whom the status update was edited.

Edited tag on edited and published status update.

To close the project status news feed, click anywhere outside of it.

Account administrators can control who can view or modify the project status news feed using the following role permissions:


To enable the Project Status News Feed feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support.

Adding a Project Status Update

If the Project Status News Feed feature is enabled for your account and you have the relevant role permissions, you can add status updates for your projects.

To add a project status update:

  1. Go to Projects > Projects > [Select a project].

  2. Click the news feed icon News feed icon.

    The project status news feed panel appears.

  3. Click the Add icon icon in the top right corner of the project status news feed panel. The New Status Update window appears.

  4. (Optional) Enter a Title for the status update. The title is limited to 125 characters.

  5. Select a Status from predefined options.

  6. Enter the Status message. The main text box uses a rich text editor with the following functionality:

    • Add emphasis to text using bold Bold character, italic Italic character, or underlined Underline character character styles

    • Format text as a bullet list Bullet list icon or a numbered list Numbered list icon

    • Insert a link Link icon

      You can insert a link to:

      • A URL – Select URL from the dropdown and enter a URL, then click the green tick mark. The URL must not include the domain. When clicked, the URL will open in a new browser tab.

      • An Email address – Select Email from the dropdown and enter an email address, then click the green tick mark. You can also enter a subject line and a message body. When clicked, a new email will open in the user's default application for mailto links. The email is prepopulated with the email address, subject line and message body.

      You can also select an existing link in the status message and edit it or remove the link (unlink).

      Project status message link properties window and edit and unlink options.
    • Insert an emoji Emoji icon

    • Change the text color Text color icon

    • Change the paragraph style Paragraph style icon – Options include subtitle (header) and normal text

    The status update text is limited to 3,000 characters.

    Status update form.
  7. Click Save & Publish to publish your status update, or Discard to cancel and return to the project status news feed panel.

Editing a Project Status Update

If you have the relevant role permission, you can edit project status updates at any time.

To edit a project status update:

  1. Point to the upper right corner of the status update you want to edit and click the options icon Options icon which appears.

  2. Click Edit.

    The Edit status update window appears.

  3. Make the necessary changes, and click Save & Publish.

Deleting a Project Status Update

If you have the relevant role permission, you can delete project status updates at any time.

To delete a project status update:

  1. Point to the upper right corner of the status update you want to delete and click the options icon Options icon which appears.

  2. Click Delete.

    A confirmation dialog appears.

  3. Click OK.

Updating the Project Status News feed using the SOAP API, XML API or User Scripting

You can customize the project status news feed using the SOAP API and XML API. The APIs support reading, adding, modifying, upserting, and deleting news feed entries. For more information, see Newsfeed, NewsfeedMessage and Project.

You can also use the user scripting features to generate status updates automatically by script using data from OpenAir or external applications and share information from project status news feed entries. For more information, see User Scripting.