Outline, Gantt, and Task Detail Views

The Outline and Gantt views lets you oversee your project visually, and provides you with a drag-and-drop functionality to reorder tasks or create dependencies between tasks. All of your project’s phases, tasks, and milestones are visible in these views. It is possible to use inline editing to change phase, milestone, or task names; predecessors; IDs; or start and end dates. You can edit selected tasks or phases in the Task Detail view.

The Outline, Gantt, and Task Detail views can be found at Projects > Projects and clicking on a project name. If you have QuickViews for Projects enabled, you can point to a project name and select Outline or Gantt under Quick navigation > Project. If you have a large monitor, it is possible to view all three views on the same screen.

To enable these features, contact OpenAir Customer Support and request the Enable Inline editing, Drag-n-Drop, enhanced Gantt layout in project outline view switch.


If using the Outline, Gantt, and Task Detail Views, the Gantt chart reordering sorts task IDs switch must be disabled.


Guest users can be given access to a project’s Gantt chart without being given access to task details. When creating a guest role, there is a separate option Guest can view task details in the Gantt/outline views. If unchecked, the guest user will see the Gantt chart, but not the links to task details.

Refer to the following help topics:

Navigating Between and Using Outline, Gantt, and Task Detail Views
Resource Icons in Outline and Gantt View
Creating a Phase, Task, or Milestone in Outline or Gantt View
Editing a Phase or Task in Outline or Gantt View
Changing Assignments in Outline, Gantt, and Task Detail Views
Duplicating and Copying a Task in Outline, Gantt, and Task Detail Views
Direct Inline Editing in Outline, Gantt, and Task Detail Views
Making Changes in Gantt View
Marking Tasks as “Non-billable” and Excluding From Project Budgets