Disabling Standard Email Notifications and Email Templates

Standard email notifications and email templates can be disabled for selected types of records. To do so, contact OpenAir Customer Support, and specify which standard functionality you want disabled, and for which record types.

The following table lists the functionality you can disable, and the record types the functionality applies to.


You should disable standard email notifications and email templates for the same modules and record types as you enable custom email notifications for. See Enabling Custom Email Notifications.

Email templates are only used for standard email notifications. When disabling standard notifications, you should disable email templates for the same record types, if email templates are supported for the record type.

Standard email notification options for several project-related events are controlled on the project properties form. Use form permissions to control access to the Notifications form section or to individual options within that section. See Form Permissions.


Record Type

Standard email notification (Transaction submission and approval process)

  • Authorization

  • Booking

  • Booking request

  • Expense report

  • Invoice

  • Proposal

  • PO

  • Purchase request

  • Revenue container

  • Time off request

  • Timesheet


It is not possible to disable email notifications sent when a timesheet or expense report is awaiting your approval. You can create a rule in your email client to funnel approval notification emails into a separate folder if the volume of email is a concern.

Standard email notification (Record created, updated, or deleted)

  • Booking

  • Project task, phase, or milestone

Standard email notification (Assignment or status change)


Standard email notification (Project manager change)


Standard email notification (Project stage change / notifications controlled at the project stage level )

  • Project Stage

  • Project

Email templates

  • Authorization

  • Booking

  • Booking request

  • Invoice

  • Issue

  • Project

  • Project task, phase, or milestone

  • Revenue container

  • Time off request