Creating, Editing, and Deleting Bookings in the Resource Booking Planner

You can create, edit and delete bookings from the resource booking planner.

Creating Bookings

To create a new booking, do one of the following:

  • From the resources and bookings list, click the add booking icon Create icon next to the resource name. The New booking form appears with the Resource field prepopulated. Enter all required information and click Save & Submit, Save, or Save & create another. The utilization is recalculated automatically after you add the booking.

  • Frome the booking grid, click and drag in the same row as an existing booking bar. The New booking form appears with prepopulated Resource, Customer : Project, Task, Start and End Date, and Book by information based on the existing booking on that row. Click Save in the resource booking planner to save the new booking and other changes made in the booking grid and trigger the utilization calculation.

Editing and Deleting Bookings


If the Resource Booking Approvals feature is enabled for your account, depending on your account configuration, bookings with the approval status "Submitted" or "Approved" cannot be modified. You cannot drag to change the start date, end date, duration or resource booked from the Resource Booking Planner view.

To edit a booking, do one of the following:

  • From the resources and bookings list, click the edit icon Pencil icon. The Edit booking form appears. Make changes as required and click Save or Save & Submit.

  • You can edit the booking start date and end date inline in the resources and bookings list. You can also:

    • Drag a booking bar horizontally to change the booking start date and keep the duration unchanged.

    • Drag the left or right edge of a booking bar to change both the booking start or end date and the booking duration.

  • To reassign a booking, drag this booking vertically from one resource to another in the resources and bookings list. Click Save in the resource booking planner to save all changes and recalculate the utilization.

  • Point to a booking, task, or resource to show the QuickView for that item, then create a new booking, or edit, delete, or clone an existing booking from the QuickView.

  • Click the more options icon More options icon next to a resource name, then click Create, Edit, Duplicate or Delete the booking.

  • If bulk actions are enabled, check the boxes next to each booking or task, then click Bulk Actions to make changes to all selected items at the same time. It is possible to select an item only if you have the appropriate role permissions.

    You can choose View the selected bookings in the bulk editor on the bulk actions form. The Bulk Booking Editor feature lets you make changes to multiple fields for all selected bookings at the same time. You can then save or save and submit the modified bookings, or apply the changes to duplicate bookings and save, or save an submit the duplicate, if you want to keep the original bookings unchanged.


    To enable the Bulk Booking Editor feature, contact OpenAir Customer Support. OpenAir Customer Support can also configure the Booking Bulk Editor to prevent the following changes:

    • Bookings for multiple resources reassigned to a single resource.

    • Resource and customer both modified.

    Account administrators control who can access the booking bulk editor by role permission:

    • View and modify bookings in the bulk editor

    • View, modify, and duplicate bookings in the bulk editor

    Bulk actions for booking form.